Page 35 of Birthday Girl

“How so?”

Mikayla thought about it for a long moment as she watched Juniper put her name down under a pamper pack. “Just that I don’t really know where the lines are. Like, I don’t want to get too clingy you know, but there’s lots of times when I would touch him if we weren’t sleeping together. It just feels a bit strange now, like am I touching him as his friend or his lover?”

“Does it matter?”

Mikayla shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t want to crowd him, I guess.”

“Can you talk to him about it?”

“No, because then that makes it even stranger. I’m thinking about it so much I have to say it out loud.”

“But you are thinking about it so much.”

Mikayla sighed as she stopped to eye off a rubber fish, attached to a wooden board, with the wordsBig Bad Billy Bassinscribed on a plaque along the bottom, just under a little red button. “What the fuck is that?” She reached out and pressed the button. She almost jumped out of her skin when the fish started moving, then its fish lips started flapping as it sangTake Me to the River.She immediately picked up the pen and wrote Juniper’s name and one hundred dollars on the sheet.

“Are you serious?” Juniper gasped, scandalized. “One hundred dollars?”

“No one will outbid me at one hundred dollars and that’s Rafe’s Christmas present sorted. Plus, charity, you know.”

“You’re crazy,” she laughed. They moved along the table. “Anyway, where were we? I was suggesting that you act like the mature adult you are and discuss your concerns with the man you’re sleeping with.”

“Were you?”

“I was about to.”

Mikayla sighed. “I hate it when you get all wise oracle on me.”

“No, you don’t. Oh, this is just right for Leah.” Juniper gestured to a nail kit, complete with hand moisturizer and an array of different colored bottles of polish.

“She’s coming. Hey, Leah, you wanna put your name down for this?” Mikayla gestured to the auction item.

“Ooh, yes please.”

They waited while Leah noted her name and amount on the sheet before moving on, but were stopped short by Mikayla, who had abruptly halted and was staring across the room.

“What is it?” Leah asked, following her gaze.

“Kristy fucking Smyth. When did she get back in town?”

“That’s a weird name,” Leah joked.

“Ha-ha.” Mikayla forced herself to turn away. Kristy and Rafe were just standing near the bar, chatting. Okay, she was standing pretty close, Mikayla thought. She had seen her pretend to get out of someone’s way so she could close the distance between her and Rafe before she turned away. Her breasts were practically brushing against Rafe, who didn’t seem to be doing much to stop her. “Tell me what they’re doing?” she said as she stared at a golf kit on the table.

“They’re just talking.”

“Really? She’s not touching him?”

“Um, she just rubbed his arm.”

Mikayla gritted her teeth.

“Oh, now someone bumped into her and she’s fallen against him. Unnecessary.”

“What’s he doing?” Mikayla asked, her voice tight. This wasn’t right. She shouldn’t be feeling so jealous and possessive. The agreement was friends with benefits. He was more than free to flirt with whoever he wanted to. Wasn’t he?

“Steadying her. Pushing her back. Gesturing at you, or us. She’s kissing his cheek. She’s gone.”

Mikayla blew out a breath. “I’m such an idiot.”