Page 20 of Birthday Girl

Mikayla frowned as they left HQ, expecting to walk on the beach, but Rafe followed the path that lined Beach Road. She understood, though, when he turned on to the track that led up to Sinclair’s Lookout, still without speaking. The cold wind pulled strands of hair from her bun as Mikayla sat down on the low bench at the top of the lookout, next to Rafe.

“I remember when you first brought me up here.” The winter sun played across his face as he gazed across the water and Mikayla felt her heart squeeze at the expression in his eyes.


“Yeah, I thought it was amazing that your family had been here so long that they had a place named after them. I was seven when I came here and I’d moved fifteen times before that.”

She laced her fingers together in her lap to keep from touching him.

He flicked her a glance, then away. “I don’t think it’s overstating it to say that making friends with you, gave me something I’d never had before.”

She swallowed hard around the lump in her throat, and not able to help herself, reached up and rubbed her hand up and down his back.

“I don’t want that to change.”

“Me neither.”

He blew out a breath. “But it’s already changed, because even though we said we were going to pretend that kiss never happened, I can’t stop thinking about it. Thinking about you.”

“Me neither.”

“So, what do we do?”

She rose to her feet, stepping over to the railing that bordered the cliff’s edge. The rising sun streaked the sky a hundred different shades of pink, but she barely saw it. She had to be very careful how she framed what she said next. With her back to him, she said, “Right, so we agree that we can’t just ignore it.”

She felt him move behind her and turned to look at him as he laid an elbow on the railing, facing her. His eyes were dark and mysterious, his lips full and kissable. He looked like a young Marlon Brando.

“It would help if you weren’t so hot.”

He smiled then. “Ditto.”

“You think I’m hot?”

He rolled his eyes. “Yes, Mikayla. That would be why I can’t stop thinking about shagging you.”

“Right. Fair point.” She felt a delicious, warm flush at his words. “I think we could consider a friends with benefits situation, if you were interested,” she blurted out. The warm flush turned to a hot flash at his reaction to her words.

“We could think about that, yeah.”

Her lips curved in a soft, sultry smile. She closed the space between them, standing close enough that they were almost touching, but not quite. “Great. So, we’re gonna think about sleeping together. Is it a one and done type thing? Or, you know, if I like it, it could be an ongoing arrangement?”

“Oh, you’ll like it.”

Her insides turned molten. “You sound very confident.” She tilted her face up so their lips were a whisper apart.

“Mm hmm.”

“Kiss me.”

He gave her exactly what she wanted, pulling her hard against him so she gasped, taking her lips in a soul searing kiss, unleashing all the hunger he’d felt for her over the past weeks. She gave it back, wrapping her arms around his neck, meeting his tongue with her own as she pressed herself hard against him. The kiss spun out until she was a hot, buttery mess, melting against him, only staying upright because he held her so tight.

“Where in hell did you learn to kiss like that?” She asked when he pulled away slightly.

“You taught me.”

“I most certainly did not. I would have remembered.”

He smiled at her. “Yeah, you did. In sixth grade. I was taking Kristy Smyth to the ice cream shop and she’d told me she’d cry if I hadn’t kissed her by the end of the date. I came over to yours and you showed me the kissing scene in What a Girl Wants. You said see, first you do this.” He took her face in his hands and gazed at her for a long moment. “Then you do this.” A light brushing of his lips on hers made her shiver. She rested her hands on his hips. “Then this.” He said softly, increasing the pressure while tilting her head. She opened her lips for another long, drugging kiss, softer than the last, more intimate somehow.