Mom was practically thrusting her cleavage in his face on one side, while Dad was babbling about roofing styles on the other, all the while repeating how grateful he was to work at Blue Street Brokerage. Frankly, it was embarrassing.

Seeing such an elegant man experiencing an awkward moment broke the spell a bit. The poor guy was just trying to muddle his way through social obligations like the rest of us.

It felt like a light switch turning on in the back of my mind. All of this stress and insecurity, all the silly obligations that other people had heaped on me…I didn't have to pay attention to them anymore.

I was twenty-one. I could get any job I wanted, and move out. I didn't owe anyone anything.

For years I had wanted to be a dutiful daughter and find a nice, sensible but interesting career so that I could stay close to home and help Mom. However, the more I helped her, the more she just stayed in her room and chatted on the phone to her sisters, sometimes all day long.

I wanted more from life than that. I had to get out of this place.

All I had to do was either decide exactly what I wanted to do, or take a temporary job in a restaurant until I figured things out. I hadn't seen nearly enough of the world, and what sorts of businesses I might be interested in, since Mom had blocked my every attempt at getting a part time job.

Jack had been glancing back and forth between my parents, pointedly ignoring my mother's bust and my father's overly enthusiastic hand gestures. He shot me a look, raising his eyebrow slightly.

The kindest thing to do would be to save him.

"Jack," I asked, interrupting Dad's soliloquy on shingle choices, "I've been reading that coffee futures are going up quite steadily, since climate change is affecting the crops. Have you invested in them yourself, or do you think they should be avoided right now?"

Those deep eyes locked on mine. "That's a question with many answers and opinions."

"I see. Well, speaking of coffee, I'm the only one in this house who can work the espresso machine. May I interest you in one?"

"Perfect," he said gratefully. "A caffeine injection would really hit the spot. I'd love to watch, if you don't mind. I was planning to get a machine at home soon."

Mom and Dad stared in disbelief as we left the room, and I was relieved that they didn't follow us.

"Thank you," Jack whispered as soon as we were in the kitchen. "I appreciate the save."

I measured out the beans for two shots, then handed him the grinder. "Pulse that button. Press for two seconds, then stop and give it a shake."

He looked amused, but obeyed my instructions while I prepped everything else.

Once the machine was making enough noise to camouflage our conversation, I said, "I'm sorry that my parents are so…odd."

Jack leaned closer, his huge frame seeming to give off a halo of warmth. "I know I'm supposed to be friendly with the other employees, but your father is—"

"A bit much. Yes. I get it," I whispered over the hissing coffee machine. "I’m sorry. He's desperate to be liked, and it comes out strangely."


When I handed him the tiny espresso cup, he made sure that our fingers touched as much as possible. A zing of electricity ran up my spine as I realized there might be a chance that those seductive smiles weren't just out of politeness.

"Thank you," he said. "I’d like to get to know you, Grace. I think we'd really—"

"Wonderful, there you are," Dad said, bursting in the kitchen doorway. "Jack, I can show you the work we just did on the deck."

Jack downed his espresso, then smiled at me. "Thanks, Grace. That was amazing." Then he turned to Dad. "I'm sorry, but I just got a text that they need me to arrive early. Moving the speeches up or something."

"I understand." Dad failed to hide his disappointment. "Perhaps another time."

"I also got a message that an old friend who was going to be my plus one tonight can't make it. Grace has just graciously agreed to accompany me."

Jack gave me an almost imperceptible nod, then smiled. "I was just saying that she's already dressed perfectly."

I froze in place. Well, I wanted to revamp my life, expand my world, then find my place in it, didn’t I? Going out with an older man who had connections and was likely quite interesting would certainly kickstart my mission.

Plus, spending time with a guy who was so gorgeous that he actually made my heart flutter had to be a good thing.