I break down laughing, my forehead against his chest.

“What?” He sounds sulky.

“Would you take your Aston Martin to a Mitsubishi mechanic?”

He thinks about that for a moment, blinking as I slide his glasses off his nose, turn them over in my hand, put them aside. “Point taken. But why do you need different kinds? Don’t they just…dig holes in the field? To put seeds in?”

“See, I knew it.” I curl my fingers through his soft hair and coax his head back. “You don’t know everything about everything.” I lick from the base of his neck to the top of his throat, then again, feeling his heart beat faster against mine. I try to suck on his Adam’s apple, not really sure what I’m doing but desperate to get every part of him in my mouth. “You’re not always better than me. I found your weak spot.” As best I can with one hand, I push his shirt up his body.

“Large farming equipment?” He lifts his arms and helps me pull his shirt over his head. Before it hits the floor, he’s dragging off mine.

“I’ll take what I can get.”

His body. I just can’t. Everything’s refined and powerful and lean, hard edges and curves like a song. I’m pretty sure I’m not bisexual after all; I’m Gray’s-fucking-pec-filling-my-hand-sexual. I arch my body into his, our chests rubbing together as he traces his fingers up the muscles of my back and kisses along my shoulder, open-mouthed and wet and deep with tongue and scraping teeth.

“Jonah,” he mumbles against my skin, trying to sound serious and mature but only sounding like me, horny and young and confused. “You’re in a vulnerable place. I’m probably taking advantage of you.”

“Cool.” Shoving him back a little, I lick his right nipple, then his left, then suck on it. It’s not like a girl nipple; it’s small and flat and getting very hard under my tongue. “I can beg someone else to train me how to suck his cock. You think Elliott would be into that? I had the biggest crush on him.”

He growls, his grip tightening on the back of my neck. His other hand grabs mine and pulls it between his legs, his voice low in my ear. “You’ve never felt this, have you? What you do to a man who wants you.” He wraps my fingers around his bulge and he’sthere, a hard, hot length that I made, mine, for me.

“Jesus,” I whisper as he tightens his grip. I hook my fingers under his balls and grind him with the heel of my palm until he presses his forehead against my shoulder and shudders. Tugging my hand away, I play with the waistband of his boxers. “Please, Gray.”

It doesn’t make any sense, but he almost seems nervous. He nuzzles deeper into my shoulder for a moment, then takes a deep breath. “You first.” He moves his hips so I can yank down my jeans and underwear and kick them off, then slides back in and spreads my knees with his palms as he studies my stiff cock. He brushes his fingertip along the Reverse PA ring. “God, that’s perfect. Nothing in the world has the right to be that perfect.”

Perfect? Stop giving me new words.I don’t deserve them, even if he’s only talking about a piece of metal in my dick.

He trails his fingers down the underside of my shaft, weaving between the barbells until he taps my balls and I whimper.

“Alright,” he murmurs. “Go on.”

I kiss the hollow of his throat, gently this time, as I slide his boxers down. His long, elegant cock springs free to rub against mine and a fresh trickle of precum leaks out of me, glistening on the ring, smearing down the side of his shaft.

He makes a fist around the head of his dick, a grip that has to be too tight for both of us to fit, then teases his finger up my shaft until I’m pointed into his hand. “Be careful. Please don’t shred my cock.”

We both groan when I rock my hips up and my head forces its way into his fist, grinding along his length. I lean back on the counter behind me and start thrusting, careful not to let my Jacob's Ladder go in. The brutal friction makes it hard to breathe, trapped tight between his cock and his palm. “Fuck, Gray.Fuck.”

He grips my jaw with a dark, hungry smile and something I can’t interpret. Like someone closing their eyes and jumping with no idea where they’re going to land. “Do you still want to pretend I’m Elliott? Is that what you like?”

I turn my face into his palm, biting it, licking along his fingers. “I was right; you’re kind of a psychopath. Maybe you’re a serial killer. That’s why you only wear suits.”

“Maybe I am.” He thrusts suddenly, sharply once, twice, and I don’t know if it’s the slide of our wet cocks in his palm or the sight of his bare ass clenching but I sob out something I can’t hear over the ringing in my ears and come all over him.

Before I can even see straight, I slide off the counter onto my knees at his feet. He stares down at me, cum dripping down his chest, his cock right in my face with its circumcised head and big, leaking slit.

I’m not straight, am I?

There it is. Finally.

I probably can’t suck a dick and have a panic attack at the same time, so I take that giant fucking mess and set it aside for later.

“Teach me how to suck you.” I kiss the sweaty crease of his hip. “Please. Or else I’m going to hunt you down in some old folks’ home in fifty years because I can’t die in peace until I get to taste your cock.”

Without a word, he cups the back of my head and shoves my face into his cleanly waxed groin, his cock pressed along my cheek. It smells like heaven. I stick my tongue out and lap at his heavy balls because they're all I can reach, and just when I almost pull one into my mouth I feel his thighs shiver and he drags me back. “Go lie down on the couch.”


He trots across the living room completely naked, not at all bothered by the huge windows. There isn’t an inch of excess on his small body, just tight bulk and a very round ass that would be a criminal waste on a straight man.