“Freckles?” Parker jokes, but Griffin takes him in a headlock, and they wrestle to the ground. We girls fall to the ground laughing as we let them in on our little joke.

“I was close to spanking your ass,” Joey tells Lexi, bending to kiss her.

“Now that we are all here. Want to hear about my idea?” Juju asks the group, bouncing on her feet.

“Sure. Hit us with it. As long as clothes stay on. While we’re together anyway,” Dean says, pulling Rissa into his arms.

“I say we have a dance party right here on the field. I have some set props and equipment in my car. A strobe light, a speaker, and some other fun shit. Who’s in?” Juju asks, and we all agree that sounds like the time of our lives.

And that’s how we spend the next few hours, in the dark, on the football field, dancing, laughing, and chasing each other around. I watch as Juju grabs a fake-looking ball and starts for the end zone, but Brody tackles her gently to the field, where they start making out. This has got to be the best night I’ve ever had, and I don’t want it to stop. Unfortunately, the sound of sirens breaks it up, and we all scatter.

Canaan grabs my hand and drags me off the field. We are laughing as we all split up, and for the first time in my whole life, I’m not ready to be done with high school. I’m not ready for the real world. I just got these people in my life, just got the chance to be a reckless teen, just living life and having fun. I finally got to live forme.

Chapter Six


I look behind us as we continue to run around the outside of the school. I see Lexi up ahead and watch as she darts into the gym. Not long after she makes it inside, Joey turns around the corner and heads straight for the gym door. I knew they had a way to get into the school at night, but honestly, I’ve never tried. I’m pretty sure Joeys found Lexi here a few times now; he probably knew exactly where she would run. I pull Mercedes's hand as I try to rush her to the same door they just went through. I pull too hard at one point, and she stumbles to the ground.

“Ouch,” she tries to whisper, and I want to kick my own ass.

“Fuck, pixie. I’m so sorry, baby. Let me see.” She’s holding her knee, but we hear a noise behind us, and she tries to get back to her feet, not knowing if it will be the cops or another one of our group.

I’m not taking that fucking chance, though. I bend and grab her behind the knees and the back, rushing her into the gymnasium. When it seems like we are finally in the clear, I walk over to the bleachers and gently set her down.

“What happened? Where are you hurt?” I ask, running my hands all along her body. Fuck, this is my fault. I hear her chuckle, but she’s still holding her knee.

“It’s just a scrape. I promise I’ll be just fine,” she says.

I pull her hands away and inspect the area. Her jeans are ripped, and dirt and gravel are caked on her bloody knee.

“Fuck! Come on,” I say, grabbing her again and carrying her out of the gym and through the quiet, dark school.

“Where are we going?” she asks, and I lean down to kiss the top of her head.

“To the nurse’s office. I need to take care of that knee,” I tell her, marching through our high school's dark and empty halls.

“It’s kind of creepy in here, isn’t it?” pixie asks, and I have to agree, this place can be pretty creepy at night. She jumps in my arm as we come down the hall that leads past the auditorium. Juju slams open the doors; neither she nor Brody saw us at the end of the hall. We watch as they kiss, laugh quietly, then make their way into the auditorium.

“What was that about?” Mercedes asks as I roll my eyes and continue down the halls.

“Probably going to get it on in there. It's the auditorium, and Juju has a weird obsession with the stage, while Brody has a weird obsession with fucking her on said stage,” I say, chuckling when I look down and see her cheeks turning pink.

“Scandalized, pixie?” I tease, but she just glares at me.

“Nope. Just thinking how hot that would be to watch from the audience.” She smirks at me and lifts her eyebrow when I growl at that comment.

“Never. No way in hell you will ever see another guy’s ass or cock.” I see red just thinking about it, but shit, what if she has a past?

I can’t blame her for that. She’s eighteen. Most eighteen-year-olds have explored sex in one way or another by that age. My brothers and I have always been outcasts, though. We were never good enough to be friends with the normal guys or be boyfriends for the normal girls. By the time the girls started to notice us, it was too late. They had already burned the bridge with constant teasing, bullying, and snide remarks. We knew the girls that showed interest in us were just looking for a night on the wild side. It had nothing to do with who we were as human beings and everything to do with pissing off dear old daddy. They saw the tattoos, piercings, motorcycles, and reputation and wanted to rebel. So we never gave them a second glance.

“Well, from here on out, you will not see any other guys. I don’t care about your past, but you’re mine now, and I’m yours,” I try to say calmly instead of growling.

“I won't lie and say I don’t care about your past either. I’m scared if you finally see me... all of me, you will realize I don’t look anything like the girls you are used to,” she says, and for once, I see hesitation and fear in her eyes instead of the fire I’ve come to expect.

“Well, then you have nothing to worry about.” I smile at her and chuckle when her eyebrows lower in confusion.

“What do you mean? That makes no sense. Or are you used to bigger girls?” she asks, and I see the fire start coming back. My little pixie is just as jealous as I am. Thank fuck.