“Well, little pixie, I’ve been looking for you all morning,” I say, plopping down in the seat beside her and smiling at her surprised look.

“You,” she says, narrowing her eyes at me.

“Ahh… I thought I would get at least a ‘nice to see you again’ or maybe ‘I fell in love with you when you saved my life today, let's run away together and get married’ …something,” I joke and watch as she tries to stifle her smile. Damn, she’s going to be a hard nut to crack.

“I don’t recall you saving anyone this morning. You even let the assholes messing with me leave without a scratch. I would have at least nicked one of them with that knife,” she huffs before turning back to the group, dismissing me.

“You pulled your knife and didn’t stab anyone? I’m impressed,” Alec says, rubbing Bailey's back soothingly. I flip him off but turn back to my pixie. Lexi says something I can't quite hear, and the girls all fall into a fit of laughter.

“What did I miss?” I ask the group, reaching under the table and feeling for my girl's hand. I quickly lace our fingers together when I find it on her thigh. To my surprise, she doesn't fight me, just gives me a confused look before turning back to the girls.

“Well, Lexi wasn't feeling up for PE this morning, so Juju and Brody helped her out with that problem,” Ricky says, leaning over and kissing Landon on the chin.

“Coach actually let you leave? Damn, how did you manage that?” I ask Lexi.

“Juju came in yelling about someone streaking across the football field.” She shrugs before popping a grape into her mouth. As one, every head in the group turns to look at Brody. He looks back at us and rolls his eyes.

“I took my shirt off, put my face mask for my bike on, and stayed by the outside concrete wall next to the field. It looked like I was streaking, but my pants stayed on,” he huffs. Juju giggles and whispers something in his ear.

“Well, they stayed on while I was running on the field,” he says, lowering his voice.

“Gave them the old Razzle dazzle, did ya?” Joey says, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Oh, I love that one. ‘Give em the ol’ razzle dazzle, razzle dazzle em,” Juju sings. Just as she goes to stand, Rissa speaks up.

“Someone better grab her. If you don’t stop her, she’ll be on the table singing Chicago in three point nine seconds.”

“Lunch is almost over, baby. You don’t have time for an encore. Might want to hold off today,” Brody says, kissing Juju’s pouting lips.

“So, Canaan, how did you meet our new bestie, Mercedes?” Lexi asks me, raising a brow. I can see by the shit-eating grin that she’s not even trying to hide that she knows somethigns changed in me and thinks I’m going to play it off.

“I saved her life this morning from the wee dicks on the swim team. She’s mine now,” I say, smiling.

“What? You did not save me. I was handling myself just fine before you stuck your big nose in it,” she says indignantly. I noticed she didn’t bring up the other part. The part about her being mine. I’m going to take that as confirmation. She knows she’s mine just as much as I am hers.

“Well, girl. Welcome to the group. You are officially part of the rejects now! We are so excited you’re here,” Bailey says, smiling warmly at Mercedes. When she dips her head and hides behind her hair, I worry. Then she lifts her head, and I can see the tears in her eyes. The ones she is refusing to let fall. My girl is strong. Damn strong, I couldn’t have been blessed with a more perfect soul mate.

“Thank you. I never really had a lot of friends growing up. Moving so much and being… the way I am. Well, I never fit in and didn’t let people close, knowing I would have to eventually leave them. I’m so happy you guys included me in your group,” she says, smiling around at everyone.

She squeezes my hand so hard I’m worried it might break, but the last thing I’m going to do is pull away from her. I think she needs me now, while her earth is still shaking and she doesn’t know where to step, now more than ever. The group all smiles at her and then turns away, carrying on a conversation like nothing ever happened. They can tell Mercedes needs a minute to pull herself together again, and they give her that privacy.

“So, my little pixie, tell me, what do you like to do for fun?” I ask, wanting to know everything I possibly can.

“Actually, I’m kind of a dork. I like to read a lot.” She shrugs, but I see the blush on her cheeks.

“Hmm… what kind of books would have you blushing like that?” I wonder, poking her cheek and laughing when she swats my hand away.

“All kinds of books, thank you very much, but I love romance. Mainly biker romances.” She shrugs, and I can’t help it; I throw my head back and laugh. This couldn't be more perfect. This girl couldn't be more perfect.

“Damn, it didn't take long for you to start laughing at me, too,” she says, and I can hear the hurt in her voice, though when I look at her face, all I see is fire. If I’m not careful, this girl will go for my balls... and not in the way I want her to.

“Baby, I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing because you are literally perfect for me. My brothers and I all ride bikes,” I tell her and watch her eyes widen before she looks around the group. She pulls her hand out of mine, and I worry she might change her mind about us, that she will see us as the trouble makers everyone else in this town believes us to be. Just as I’m planning to fight whatever doubts she has, she surprises me.

“Can I go for a ride?” she asks excitedly. If she only knew how much that question means. She will be the only girl I ever take for a ride.

Chapter Five
