“What the hell do you think you’re going to do about it, fresh meat?” Trey taunts.

“Touch my brother, and you’ll be getting your ass handed to you by me,” the girl says sternly. I see the determination and protectiveness on her face, and my head jerks back. She has to be the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in my life.

“What the hell you gonna do? Sit on me?” Trey and his skid marks snicker.

“Or I could just… cut in,” I say from behind the group, grabbing my switchblade out of my pocket and flipping it a few times in my hand. I smirk as I watch the guys slowly turn at my voice and pale at the sight of me and my knife. Yeah, these fuckers know who I am and not to fuck with me. Not only am I a big fucker for only eighteen, I stand a six foot three inches, but mine and my brother’s reputation are well known throughout not just this school but this town.

“L-look man, w-we were just having some fun.”

I cut off the fucker who looks ready to shit himself.

“Oh, it’s just a bit of fun to pick on a kid who’s trying to protect his sister?” I ask.

“Hey, I was protecting his scrawny ass,” the plus-size queen says indignantly. I raise a brow at her and smile when her brother speaks up.

“Mercedes, the dude has a knife. Just chill with the hot-headedness for right now,” the kid warns his sister. He will find out soon enough that I would never hurt either of them. Especially my gothic pixie. Their features and the mumbled Spanish have me guessing they are Latino. Oh, she’s going to be a spicy one, huh? Good thing I can take the heat.

“How about you little boys run along now? I’d hate to throw you off the gym roof. It’s much less fun than those diving boards you all fancy.”

At my threat, they all scurry down the hall like the hounds of hell are nipping at their heels.

“Thank you for helping us,” the young boy says, looking at me nervously. I close my knife and stick it back in my pocket.

“I was totally handling that. I was seconds away from handing them their balls,” she says, huffing like I ruined all her fun. I want to laugh, but I simply smirk at her.

“No offense, my feisty little pixie… But the only balls I want you handling are mine.”

I don’t see it coming. She sways her hips as she walks toward me, and I’m leaning in closer to her, wanting… no, needing to be closer to her. As she passes me, she gives me a saucy little smile before, so quickly that I completely miss it, she junk slaps me. I bend over from the sting, and she leans down to whisper in my ear.

“Your wish, my command.” Then she’s walking away.

Yup, the last man standing just fell… hard.

Who the hell is this girl, and what good deed did I do to bring her into my life? I hear the kid she was with snickering, and I turn my head to look at him, raising a brow. Instead of getting nervous like he had before, he just continues to laugh. I start to turn to follow my dream girl, but his words stop me.

“Man, if I were you, I would give her a little time to cool off. If not, she’s liable to rip off your balls next time.” The kid’s right. I may want to storm up to her and demand she fall for me as hard as I’ve obviously fallen for her, but that won’t work with my girl. No, it doesn’t take a genius to see she’s stubborn, headstrong, and used to taking care of herself. I need a plan, and I know just the guys to help me.

“Thanks, man. What’s your name?” I ask, holding my hand out for my Pixie’s little brother.

“Mateo,” he says, taking my hand and shaking it.

“Well, Mateo, I’m Canaan. We better get to know each other well because one day we are going to be family. Someday I’m gonna marry your sister.”

He stares at me with his mouth hanging open and a dumbstruck look on his face. I chuckle as I wave and walk toward where I know my brothers will be. I have a feeling this chase is going to be the best adventure I’ve ever had.

Chapter Three


PE?! How do I have PE as one of my required classes? I have suffered through this shit time and time again, and I know I have the required credits for this damn class, so why am I here? Maybe I can go to the office and have them fix it… see if there is literally anything else I can take. Hell, I hate math with a passion, but I would take the most complicated geometry class I could just to get out of this. We have PE uniforms and have to change in front of all the other girls in this class, too. Talk about a nightmare.

“Miss Sosa, please head to the girls' changing room and get dressed. Class will start soon,” Mr. Orlane, the gym teacher, says, waving his clipboard. I wonder if he was a star jock at his school, but couldn't hack it in the real world, so he became a gym teacher. He just looks like the douchey kind. Even down to the short gym shorts, whistle, and stories of his past glory. Cue eye roll. I guess I have no other options.

I walk to the right side of the gym and follow the sign to the girls' locker room. When I push open the door, I realize most girls are already dressed. Some are even re-applying makeup that will just get washed off as we sweet during this class.

“I swear if he makes us run another two miles, I will puke on his shoes. He wouldn’t let me use my period excuse again,” one girl says as I walk by.

“I told him I was pregnant and was scared to hurt the baby,” another girl snickers. Holy hell, these girls may hate gym more than me. Who tells a lie about being pregnant?