Chapter One


“Please, Griffin, just talk to me. You don’t understand. It was a mistake,” Sara says, following me down the hall to my next class.

If I didn’t love literature so damn much, I would skip school to avoid her nagging. It’s been almost a year since I found out who Sara really was and dropped her like a hot potato. She tricked me, made me believe she loved me, and ripped my fucking heart out. Well, that might be a bit dramatic. I’m not sure I was ever really in love with the girl. Scratch that. I know I was never in love with her. Still, the betrayal hurt like a bitch. Plus, the fact that she played me was embarrassing as fuck. Let's just say I’m happy she wanted to keep our ‘relationship’ private.

“There is literally nothing you can say that will ever make me look at you the same again. It's over, Sara. Move the fuck on. I don’t want you,” I tell her, trying to make her realize just how serious I am. I’ve been nice up until this point, I told her no hard feelings, and we were all good probably about a million times, but she’s like a dog with a fucking bone.

“Let's just meet up somewhere. We can talk it out. I know we can work this out,” Sara tells me, grabbing my arm as I’m rounding the next corner. At first, I don’t see the other girl, but her nearly white blonde hair catches my eyes as she rounds the corner and plows right into me.

“Oh, my gosh. I’m so sorry,” she says, bending and picking up the books that have fallen out of her arms.

“Sorry, Honey. I wasn’t paying attention,” I say, bending with her and helping with her papers. I take a deep breath, and her fragrance hits me. She smells amazing, earthy… wild, like honeysuckles. Honeysuckles are my favorite. I’m so stunned by the way she makes me feel, like home, that I almost fall straight on my ass when her eyes meet mine. They are the lightest color brown, almost gold, and there are darker gold swirls running through them. They remind me of stirred honey.

“Oh god, Farlee Farmer, you need to watch where the hell you’re going. Careful, Griffin. If you touch her, all that dirt and pig smell will rub off on you. Here, let me help you up,” Sara says before she tries to reach for my arm.

“Get the fuck away from me,” I grit through locked teeth. I meant it for Sara, but I watch Farlee rear back like I struck her. She quickly stands before turning and rushing down the hall before I can stop her.

Oh, you can run, little honeysuckle, but I will find you. You. Are. Mine.

“Look, I don’t get it Sara. You can have any guy in this fucking school. Could you please find one of them to latch yourself to?” I ask her, turning and taking one last glance in the direction my girl went.

“But I love you,” she whispers. She’s been telling me this over and over, but I refuse to believe it.

“No, you don’t, so stop pretending. I saw you walking out of the bleachers with Max not three days ago, fixing your clothes and your hair. I don’t know what the fuck you want from me, but you definitely don’t love me. Now leave me the fuck alone,” I tell her, walking back toward Lit. The warning bell rings, and I roll my eyes when I hear her footsteps beside me.

“So, you’ve been keeping an eye out for me. I knew you still liked me,” she says triumphantly. That has me laughing harder.

“Sara, I was the lookout for Joey and Lexi. They got a bit too eager and impatient for each other. Believe me, you are the last person I’m looking for around this school. More accurately, you are the one person I wish I would never see again,” I tell her. I guess she finally gets the hint because she stops following me, stomps her foot, and crosses her arms. I keep moving down the hall.

“You will come crawling back to me. I’m the best thing a guy like you would ever get,” she says, digging that knife even deeper. I shake my head at those thoughts. I really want nothing to do with her, but my mind automatically goes to the girl I plowed down in the hall. She, like the rest of the school, probably thinks I’m trash. No way am I good enough for her. How do I convince her I am good enough when I don’t even believe I am?

I walk into class, but for once, I'm not interested in the subject. This is stuff I’ve already learned before, but I still like hearing it and learning the things I might have missed. The teachers and other students all just ignore me, and while that usually stings a bit, today I'm grateful for it. Today my mind is solely focused on my honeysuckle.

I wonder what Sara meant with that nickname, Farlee Farmer. Is that her name? Farlee is a gorgeous name, and I love how it sounds playing over and over in my head. By the time the bell rings, signaling the end of class, I haven’t heard one bit of the lesson, and it feels like no time has gone by.

I make my way out of the school. Literature is my last class of the day, so I walk straight to the parking lot. Alec, Joey, and Canaan are all leaning against their bikes and I know it won't take long for the other guys and girls to join us. I can't believe Alec let Bailey out of his sight or that Joey did with Lexi. They must see my confused face because they laugh.

“Bailey had to run to the office for some end-of-year shit. Lexi said she would walk with her, so we decided to wait out here and catch a smoke,” Alec lets me know as Canaan pulls the pack out of his pocket and offers one to me. I take it and light it up, needing it more than ever after dealing with Sara's shit.

A flash of something catches my eye, and I watch as Farlee makes her way out of the school toward the back of the parking lot. She’s wearing overall shorts and brown booties that kind of remind me of motorcycle boots but are way cuter on her, and her big eyes are covered by thick black frames. I must have knocked them off of her earlier.

She keeps her head down as she weaves in and out of people, hurriedly making her way to a tiny white S10 truck in the very back of the parking lot.

“Finally seeing something you like, brother? Farlee is an awesome chick,” Canaan says, taking another puff of his cigarette. I don’t know where the growl comes from, but I swiftly turn my head toward Canaan.

“How do you know Farlee?” I ask through clenched teeth.

“Woah, calm down, brother. She's all yours. Fuck, is everyone going to get hostile when it comes to the women around here?” he asks, holding his hands up in surrender.

“How do you know her?” I ask again.

“I had a class with her last semester. She’s been going to school with us since kindergarten but she’s so quiet and likes to stay in the background. She makes it a point to blend in, so people don’t mess with her. She’s actually the one who saved Brody and Juju from getting expelled while fucking around in the auditorium. She warned them the principal was coming or some shit,” he explains, and that right there has me falling a bit more.

I have to talk to this girl. I have to find out everything I can about her. There is a need inside me to get closer to her. One I’ve never felt before and one I refuse to ignore.