Epilogue Two


“Please, Griffin, just talk to me. You don’t understand. It was a mistake,” Sara begs, following me down the hall to my next class.

If I didn’t love literature so damn much, I would skip school to avoid her nagging. It’s been months, almost a year, since I found out who Sara really was and dropped her like a hot potato. She tricked me, made me believe she loved me, then she ripped my fucking heart out. Well, that might be a bit dramatic. I’m not sure I was ever really in love with the girl. Scratch that. I know I was never in love with her. Still, the betrayal hurt like a bitch. Plus, the fact that she played me was embarrassing as fuck. Let's just say I’m happy she wanted to keep our ‘relationship’ private.

“There is literally nothing you can say that will ever make me look at you the same again. It's over, Sara. Move the fuck on. I don’t want you,” I tell her, trying to make her realize just how serious I am. I’ve been nice up until this point, I told her no hard feelings, and we were all good probably about a million times, but she’s like a dog with a fucking bone.

“Let's just meet up somewhere. We can talk it out. I know we can work this out,” she says, grabbing my arm just as I’m rounding the next corner. At first, I don’t see her, but her neat white blonde hair catches my eyes as she rounds the corner and plows right into me.

“Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry,” the girl says, bending and picking up the books that have fallen out of her arms.

“Sorry, Honey. I wasn’t paying attention,” I say, bending with her and helping with her papers. I take a deep breath, and her fragrance hits me. She smells amazing, earthy… wild like honeysuckles. Honeysuckles are my favorite. I’m so stunned by how she makes me feel at home, that I almost fall straight on my ass when her eyes meet mine. They are the lightest color brown, almost gold, and darker gold swirls run through them. They remind me of stirred honey.

“Oh god, Farlee Farmer, you need to watch where the hell you’re going. Careful, Griffin. If you touch her, all that dirt and pig smell will rub off on you. Here, let me help you up,” Sara says before she tries to reach for my arm.

“Get the fuck away from me,” I grit through locked teeth. I meant it for Sara, but I watch Farlee rear back like I struck her. She quickly stands before turning and rushing down the hall before I can stop her.

Oh, you can run, little honeysuckle, but I will find you... You. Are. Mine.

The End