“Maybe. You’re kind of hard to miss, I guess,” she says, smiling up at me. Not sure if she was looking at me and not one of my brothers. That’s a good sign, I guess. I open my mouth to ask her out, but we hear a shout right outside the theater doors before I can.

“JULIANNA!!!” the principal bellows.

“Oh shit,” Juju says before grabbing my hand and quickly hiding in the thick curtains tucked into the wings offstage.

We are barely hidden by curtains on one side and a hard wall on the other. Julianna has her back to the wall, and I have my back to the curtains. She lifts her fingers and puts them to her mouth in a shushing motion.

I can’t help it. I smile down at her.

“Julianna, are you in here?” Principal McGuire shouts into the room. We can hear him make his way down the aisle toward the stage when he gets no answer.

“Juju, are you backstage? You better get your butt out here now,” he threatens.

Julianna is trying valiantly not to make a sound, but her mischievous smile tells me everything I need to know. She pulled another stunt. We hear him make his way up the stairs and right toward us. I hold my breath. Maybe if I step out and tell him she isn’t in here, it will distract him so she can get away. I go to pull out of the curtains and open my mouth to say something, but she pulls me back by my shirt and plants her mouth right on top of mine.

Instantly, my whole focus goes to her, this girl, my girl. Her lips on mine, so warm and soft and explosive. I moan and swipe my tongue over her lips, and instantly she opens for me, sucking my tongue into her mouth. I push her further into the wall and ravish her completely, forgetting about the principal, her uncle, until I hear him call out again.