Epilogue One


Seven years later:

I hear the sound of someone attempting to belt their tiny little lungs out while Defying Gravity coming from the other room. Juju and I look at each other, eyes wide with terror, before sprinting toward the source of the song.

I make it just in time to catch our little girl, Helena, before she smashes her face on the hard wood below. This isn’t the first time she’s tried jumping off the stairs while singing that damn song. Problem is, she goes two steps higher every damn time and I’m scared to death she is going to break her neck.

“Baby, we talked about this! You can’t jump off the stairs,” Juju tells her calmly. A lot more calm than I feel.

“I just want to do the tricks I’ve seen you do.” Helena pouts as I set her down.

“How about when I get back from New York next week? We will go sign up for some gymnastics classes,” Juju says and Helena’s already nodding her head, giving us both a hug and rushing from the room, still singing.

“She is her mother’s child,” I say, shaking my head and pulling my wife into my arms. I hate when she has to fly out to New York, but I’m so damn proud of everything she’s been able to accomplish.

Me and my brothers left our tiny town, with our women in tow, never looking back. We started our shop and with the money Juju’s parents gave her, she actually opened a talent agency in our town. She’s so popular and has an eye for talent, she gets asked to guest judge on auditions for some of the top ranked productions in the city.

“I’ll miss you, baby,” I tell her, bringing my mouth to hers. She’s dazed when I pull back.

“I’m going to drop Helena off at your parents' on my way to work. That way, you aren’t rushing to the airport. When is your flight due back?” I ask, already knowing, but still wanting to double check. Her parents have helped a lot with Juju having to go to New York every few months. Her mom has been in remission for the past four years and we all thanked the stars for that.

“I’ll be back in two days. Promise,” she says, kissing me one more time.

“You better be. If not, I’ll be taking a sledgehammer to that big apple until I find you.” I tell her meaning every word. This girl is my life, the star and love of my life, and I’ll never let her go.

* * *

Two Days Later:

I’m standing in the airport waiting to see my woman, waiting for her to get her sexy little ass off that plane and praying my plans go perfectly.

I see her making her way through the tunnel and take a deep breath. Show time. I walk over to the very first luggage belt and hop on the very top of it. My brothers all joining in lower behind me. The minute she comes out of the tunnel, I let out a loud whistle. Juju’s head turns in my direction, a look of shock and confusion on her face. Bailey hits the play button on her Bluetooth speaker and the notes to “My Girl” start playing over the speaker.

I start singing with my brothers behind me, providing the chorus. Juju walks closer, a look of happiness, mirth, and unconditional love beaming across her face as the songs plays on. With each couple verses another one of my brothers' woman walk up to Juju handing her a small bouquet and taking her bags from her. By the end of the song, her arms are full of flowers and out walks Helena with a huge box of chocolates, the box almost the same size as her. I hop down off the carousel and make my way toward my girls.

“Mommy, daddy has a very important question for you,” Helena tells Juju, taking her job today seriously.

“Actually, I have a question for both my beautiful ladies,” I say, looking at the two of them. Helena didn’t know about this little addition and you can tell by the shock and confusion on her face, but my baby girl will always take up the other half of my heart. Juju owns the other!

Parker comes up behind me, handing me another smaller box of chocolate.

“It would make me the happiest man on earth if both you beauties would be my valentine,” I say, handing Helena her box. They both look at each other before squealing in unison and crashing into me. I laugh at the similarities between the two of them. I know Helena is going to give me hell just like her mama, but I am so excited for the ride.

“You serenaded me in the middle of a busy airport,” Juju says in awe, looking at me with so much love.

“I figured it was my turn to show the world just how much you mean to me,” I tell her. She knows how much I hate attention on me, but I love her more than I hate attention.

“Baby, I would shout my love to your from the top of the empire state building if you wanted me too,” I tell her. She looks up at me, giving me a soft peck on the lips.

“I’m over New York. Two days in that place is more than enough. How about you take me home and make me shout it out to the town how much I love you,” she whispers in my ear.

What can I say? I have the perfect fucking life.