Chapter 8


As Brody’s back hits the blankets, I climb on top of him. I know he’s itching to take over this moment, but I know he also realizes I need this. I need this to feel safe and secure. Him giving me this power just makes me fall harder in love with him than I already was. I moan as I grind my center onto his hard cock. He leans up and takes my mouth in a hard kiss. I grind down again, harder this time, and I feel my juices leak out on his cock, making me slide up and down his hard length faster, easier.

“Baby, you’re fucking killing me. I’m going to come if you keep doing that,” he grits through his teeth, throwing his head back exposing his neck. I lean forward, placing a soft kiss right over his Adam's apple before biting it.

“Mother Fucker,” he groans, canting his hips further up, pressing them into my pussy harder. I wanted to tease him for a bit, play with him, but looking down between us, seeing his cock flow through my pussy lips has me ready to explode too.

I lean up, taking his cock and wanting to scream when I feel the fat head notch into my opening only an inch.

“Ahh… that feels so good Brody,” I moan and slide down another inch. He grabs my hips fast and then lets them go again.

“Baby, I’m giving you all the control here this one time, but you need to take it slow. Don’t hurt yourself by ripping through that pussy too fast. I’m not a small guy,” he tells me through clinched teeth. His concern for me has me growing even more slick, turning me to mush. I don’t even think about it. I sink all the way to the base of his cock, throwing my head back at the small pinch of pain, but the even more evident pleasure of being full.

“Damn it, Julianna,” Brody says before flipping me onto my back and pounding into me.

“That didn’t take long,” I smirk and then moan when he growls, plowing into me again and leaning down to bite my nipple, before sucking the sting away.

“You forced my hand, baby, and I think you knew that, too. Didn’t you?” he says and I throw my head back again when he switches angles and barrels into me deeper. He hits a spot inside me that has my whole body tightening, ready for the wave of pleasure we are about to receive.

“Give it to me, baby. Give it all to me,” Brody says, placing his hands around my neck and pulling me down hard as he thrusts into me. That has me going over the edge and I barely register his words, but I feel him fall over that edge with me.

He leans to the side and falls onto the blanket, pulling me close to him while I try to open my eyes.

“That was amazing,” I tell him, still not able to open my eyes.

“Best experience of my life. I love you Juju,” he whispers before I fall asleep wrapped in his warmth and safety.

* * *

“Hey, Juju, How are you feeling about the show tonight?” Birkley says coming backstage and squeezing me into a big hug.

“I’m excited! My last show with the school. Kind of emotional,” I say, looking back at her.

“How is your mom doing?” she asks me softly. It had been three weeks since the day I got the news about my mom and she’s actually gotten stronger, just showing how tough she really is.

“She’s getting better! How are you doing, babe?” I ask, looking over at Brody, who is laughing at Parker, who is staring at Birkley like a lost puppy.

“I’m okay,” she says simply, before I can ask her what’s going on, the lights flash and that’s my cue; it’s time for me to be on stage. She gives me one last hug before heading to the audience and taking her seat. I make my way to the wings of the stage, take a deep breath, and then skip onto the stage. This is where I belong. This is my element. This and Brody are my happy place.

“You were amazing, baby! I’m so proud of you!” Brody says, picking me up and spinning me around after the show is over. He hands me a bouquet and then leads me out the back.

“Thanks. Was that you and your brothers yelling for an encore after my part?” I lift my brow at him, trying to hide my smile.

“Yeah sorry, but you should know, Bailey, Lexi, Ricki, and somewhat Rissa were all yelling, too,” he says sheepishly.

I laugh at that. After meeting and hanging out with the girls this past week, I’ve come to love each and every one of them. Bailey even thought it was the funniest thing ever when I told her it was me who vandalized the cheerleader’s locker room. She told me how she couldn’t keep in the laughter at the other girls' head looked like it was going to explode.

I follow Brody out to the front auditorium, not sure where he’s leading me to. I wanted to head to the hospital to visit my parent after the show. Before I can question him, he leads me over to the side of the stage and that’s when I see it. My dad standing with his own bouquet and in front of him my mom, smiling wide in her wheelchair. I rush over to them.

“Mom, what are you doing here? You should be in the hospital,” I say, crying into her arms. I’m so happy to see both of them, but worried to death this could compromise her health.

“I’ve been improving at an amazing rate. The doctor gave me a day pass,” she tells me, but I hear my dad scoff from behind. Something tells me they broke her out.

“Are you sure you aren’t feeling too bad?” I ask, pulling back again.

“I feel absolutely amazing. Which actually reminds me. Here,” she says, pulling something from her side. It’s an envelope and look at both my parents skeptically.

“What is it?” I ask.

“Just open it Juju.” My mom rolls her eyes, but she’s practically bouncing up and down in her wheelchair. I do as she says and open the envelope, gasping at what’s inside.

“Mom, dad, this is too much! I can’t take this,” I tell them, trying to hand the check with fifty thousand dollars inside.

“It’s yours and you will take it. We got a lot of money from selling the diner and other things. Your mom’s hospital bills are caught up and we want you to have a little backup money for New York or wherever your dream takes you,” my dad says, looking pointedly at Brody. I hug them both, stunned into silence for probably the first time ever.

I know New York no longer holds my dream. I don’t want to battle the other girls for parts. I don’t want to leave and fight the crowds, wondering if I can make it or not. I’m not completely sure what my dreams hold anymore, but I do know, Brody plays the lead role for me now. He holds the spotlight and I’ll gladly be the understudy to my man for the rest of my life.