Chapter Two


Mother fucker! I knew I should have made Ricki come with me last night, but her dad wasn’t supposed to be home before she left for school. Fuck, I beat myself up as I run down the hallways of this godforsaken school, trying to get to my girl. I’ve tried protecting her my whole life, but she’s so fucking stubborn and independent. It’s one of the many things I love about her, but it also pisses me the fuck off.

I took as many beatings as she would let me until I had enough. I was too small when we were kids, but the minute I got big and strong, I finally told that piece of shit father of hers what I really thought about him. He tried to swing on me, but I got to him first, beating the shit out of him until Ricki pulled me off. She was scared I was going to kill him and go to jail. If she hadn’t stopped me, I probably would have. Since then, she’s asked me not to come back to the house anytime her piece of shit father is there.

I still sneak into her room at night and lay with her most of the time. It helps with the nightmares. I want to take her away from this shit of a life so bad it hurts, but something keeps her in that house. Something she won’t tell me, and it drives me absolutely fucking insane. She’s my girl, always has been, even if she doesn’t want to admit it yet. The only time she gets any sleep is in my arms, which is why I try to sneak in every night. I know she wants to be left alone if her window is locked. I only leave her alone sometimes, as long as her piece of shit dad isn’t in the house. I refuse to let her be alone with him unless I’m at work or she gives me no other options.

One day, hopefully, she will let me all the way in. This girl has been mine since the day she moved into the trailer beside mine when we were five years old. I’ve been in love with her since then, but I honestly can’t tell how she feels about me. Sometimes I feel like we are on the same page. She relaxes and even leans into my touch, but other times she’s so closed off, even David Copperfield couldn’t break into her heart.

I know one thing for sure, she won’t be able to ignore it for much longer; I won’t let her. I’m at the end of my rope, trying to wait for her. I need to figure out once and for all if she sees a future with me or not. I’ll protect her no matter what, even if my feelings aren’t returned, but at least knowing the truth about how she feels, I might be able to set her free. I know I will love her until my last breath. Ricki is the one, and there’s no moving on from those feelings.

It’s like one of those sayings I heard in English Lit class once when I was actually paying attention, ‘It’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all’ - Ain’t that the fucking truth. Loving Ricki most of my life, she would take my heart with her if she were to leave. Her leaving, I would have no use for it any longer.

I make it to the gym, pushing the doors open so hard I nearly take them off the hinges, but I could care fucking less. I’m only thinking about getting to Ricki and seeing what that dumb fuck did to her this time. I race up the stairs, then down the short hallway until I reach the door. When I make it inside, I don’t even spare my brother and his girl a glance. My eyes are locked straight on Ricki, and my blood is boiling.

“What in the actual fuck, Ricki! Why the hell didn’t you call me? Why did I have to find out from Joey’s girlfriend?” I growl, the marks on her face, the swollen eye almost shut, and her split lip. The sight almost brings me to my knees. I make it to her side before letting my legs give out, and I kneel next to her.

“Oh, calm the hell down, Lan. You’re ruining the mood for these two. Let’s get out of here and leave them alone,” Ricki says with some snark, but winces when she tries to move.

“I am going to fucking kill him. This has to fucking stop, Ricki. I won’t take your excuses anymore,” I say, picking her up bridal style, holding her as close to me as I can, and carrying her out.

Ricki, of course, being the smartass she is, gives my brother and his girl a royal wave and a “good day.”

“I can’t believe you didn’t call me,” I grumble. “You call me for everything.”

“I know, but you get so pissed and all murdery about this shit. I don’t want you going to jail, especially not for his sorry ass. Besides, if you got locked up, who would buy my tampons then?” she asks, and even considering the situation, I can’t help but laugh softly. No matter the situation, Ricki always brings a smile to my face. My thoughts get lost as I remember that day all those years ago. Even when I was younger, protecting Ricki was always my number one concern. Nothing has changed. Nothing will ever change. I’ll always protect her, no matter what. That day she was so embarrassed and upset, I just wanted to hug her and reassure her everything would be alright, and I would always be there for her.

Shaking my head clear of the memory, I come back to hearing her laughter. When I look down at her face, her eyes are heavy, and even with cuts and bruises, she’s still the most magnificent being in the universe.

“What are you laughing at?” I ask her, exiting the school and heading toward my bike.

“You’re thinking of the period story, aren’t you?” she asks, and I smile, knowing she caught me.

“That’s one of my favorite memories of us. You always come to my rescue, Lan. Dad would have killed me a long time ago if it weren’t for you,” she says, turning her head.

I want to ask her again why she stays, why she puts up with his shit. Why she won’t let me murder the fucker. The jail sentence would be worth it if it meant Ricki was safe and protected. I hold back a sigh because I know she’ll never give me a straight answer to any of those questions. We get to my bike, and I set her on it.

“Don’t,” she says simply, with pleading eyes, when I open my mouth. I grit my teeth, but I hold back and don’t ask. Just like I know every single thing about my girl. She knows me too.

“Back to my place, or are you going to let me take you to the hospital this time?” I clip out harshly. Frustrated and fuming, I try to soften my tone but don’t manage it very well.

“Let me grab my board. We can head to the clubhouse and rest for a bit,” she says, trying to get off the bike. She’s the only girl we’ve ever let in our clubhouse. Well, she was the only girl until my brothers started pairing off with their women.

Our clubhouse is nothing special, just an old bus we fixed up when we were kids, but it’s our little escape, and it’s all ours.

“I’ll grab your board, but you’re coming home with me this time. No more excuses. I don’t want to hear shit. You’re beat the hell up, no fighting me on this, Ricki,” I tell her, staring her down to let her know how fucking serious about this I am.