Chapter 5


Iwalk in the front door to my house, still on a high from Alec’s kiss. Completely in my own world, I don’t notice my parents sitting on the couch watching as I touch my lips with my fingers, still feeling the tingle.

“So it went that good, huh?” my mom asks, making me jump and scream a bit in surprise.,

“Oh, uh, I didn’t see you guys there. How was your night?” I ask them and sit down on the chair across from them.

“Oh, no, you don’t. You’re not getting out of it that easy. Skipping class, forgetting to let me know where you were, coming home after dark. I’m gonna need the details, young lady,” my mom says, sitting up from where she was lying in my dad’s arms.

“And on that note, I’m going to bed. While I don’t mind you hanging out with that young man, I definitely do not want to hear the details,” my father says, giving an exaggerated shiver. My mom and I both giggle as we watch him walk out of the room.

“All we did was ride around on his bike. We rode down to Riverside then came back, but mom, it was the most amazing experience of my life. Being on the back of a bike, ofhisbike… it was freeing,” I tell her.

“I remember those days well, baby girl. Now stop delaying. What happened when y’all got back?” she asks, giving me a knowing smile.

“We just kissed mom. Then I drove home. Alec promised to meet me before school tomorrow,” I say, smiling widely.

“All right, well, no more skipping, okay? I know school is basically over, but let’s finish with a bang, shall we?” she says, hugging me tightly.

“I will, mom. I’m headed to shower and bed. I love you,” I say, standing and walking upstairs to my room.

I take a quick shower, ready to get to bed and get to school in the morning. I want to see Alec again so badly it’s killing me. I also want more of those earth-shattering kisses. It may have been my first one ever, but it was more than I had ever hoped for.

I wake the following day with a start.

Shoot, I overslept.

It took me a while to fall asleep, still thinking about that kiss and more to come. I jump out of bed, throw on my favorite teal sundress, and rush down the stairs.

“I was just about to come to see if you were okay. Here, I made you a bagel to go,” my mom says, handing me my breakfast and kissing my cheek.

“Thanks, mom. Love you,” I say, rushing out to the garage and speeding toward school.

I pull in and see Alec leaning against his bike with the rest of his friends. I wave as I pass, seeing him smirk, then stand and start heading for my car as I park. He opens my door for me as I lean over and grab my books from the passenger side floorboard.

“Fucking hell baby, you can’t bend over in that dress today,” Alec says from my door. As I sit up, I notice him adjusting the front of his pants.

“Oh shoot, I didn’t realize this dress was that short. Could you see everything?” I ask, blushing.

“I saw your bare ass and that pretty pink thong you have on,” he whispers, leaning in and giving me a hot kiss.

“Oops,” I say when he leans back and helps me out of the car.

“Just promise me you won’t bend over anymore today,” he says, closing my door for me, then pushing me back against it.

“I promise. I’ll bend at the knees,” I tell him, leaning toward him for another kiss. This one is slower and lasts longer, but it’s just as hot.

“Looks like the head cheerleader decided to slum it with the trailer trash. Damn, I wish I could get a pity fuck from her, too. When’s it my turn?” We hear Billy call from somewhere behind us.

“Didn’t get the message Friday, asshole? Want to go another fucking round?” Alec asks, pulling away from me, clenching his fists, and taking a step toward Billy and his friends. I grab his arm, trying to hold him close to me. I know the only reason I’m able to hold him is that he’s letting me.

“Talk about Bailey like that again, and I will fuck your entire world up,” Alec threatens.

“And believe me, Billy, money doesn’t make you a man. In your case, money made you a grade A pussy,” I say before turning back to Alec.

“Hell fucking yes! I love this chick. Tell em Bail’s.” I hear Alec’s friend Parker hooting from our other side. I should have known they would have our back. Unfortunately, money and popularity don’t get you friendship like they have either. I blush when I realize how many people heard me call Billy a pussy. I’ve never been so mean to someone, but he was talking trash about Alec. I will not stand for that. Billy and his friends huff and turn away when they realize Alec’s friends are at our backs. See? Pussies.