Chapter 4


Istand there in the middle of the school hallway in complete shock.

“Did you really just call your mom and ask if you could skip school?” I ask, wanting to laugh, but again too surprised by her actions to do so.

“Well, yeah. I tell my parents everything. If I didn’t tell her now, I would have when I got home. Anyway, she said yes, so are you ready?” she asks, smiling so widely it nearly takes over her whole face.

“You tell them everything?” I ask, shocked at the relationship she has with her parents.

“Yeah, everything. They trust me to make good decisions. They’re my best friends,” she says so innocently it makes me long for that type of relationship with my own mother. Then I remember the black eye and know that’ll never be possible.

“Bet you won’t tell them everything. Like how it’s one of the Trailer Trash Misfits you’re hanging out with,” I say, laughing, but deep down, the thought of her not wanting to tell her parents about hanging out with me kind of stings a bit.

“Oh, they already know,” she says like it’s no big deal.

“They already know?” I ask, stopping on the way to the school parking lot.

“Yeah, I told them about what you did for me on Friday. They wanted to thank you and have you over for dinner one night. That and I mentioned I was skipping with you when I called my mom,” she says, that beautiful blush spreading across her cheeks.

“Uh, I know the area you live in. I don’t exactly belong there. You are definitely too good to be hanging out with me in the first place,” I say, attempting to change the subject as we push our way out the school doors and make it to the sidewalk. Bailey stops me with a soft hand on my forearm.

“Don’t say that about yourself. My family and I don’t see you or anyone like that,” she says, looking so concerned I want to lean down and kiss her. Again, she may not know it, but I know I’m not good enough to look at her, much less put my hands or lips on her.

“You ever been on a bike before?” I ask, choosing to ignore her comment.

“No, but I’ve always wanted to ride on one,” she says, bouncing up and down excitedly. I notice her books in her hand.

“Shit, we should have put your books in your locker,” I say, not sure how we’re going to do this.

“Oh, I can put them in my car,” she says, running over to her car and throwing them in.

She’s back in a flash, and I can’t help but chuckle at her eagerness to get on my bike. Mine. With me. I’m still in shock. We make it to the group of bikes, and I know it won’t be long before my brothers come out ditching their own classes. I throw my leg over the side and hold out my hand for Bailey to hop on.

“Umm… I’m not allowed on your bike…” Oh, here it comes. This is where she says she can’t be seen with me or some shit. I drop my hand, not sure how this makes any sense given her excitement just moments ago.

“I need a helmet,” she says, breaking me out of my morbid thoughts.

“Huh?” I ask in confusion.

“My dad, he insists. I’m not allowed on the back of your bike without a helmet,” she says, and I want to laugh at the situation.

Her father not only knows who I am but knows I ride a bike and is still allowing his daughter around me. The only demand is she wears a helmet. I reach back, opening my saddlebags and pulling out one of my old ones. I don’t wear it, although I probably should, so she can use it.

“It might be a little big, but you can use mine,” I say, handing it to her. She tries to put it on but is having a hard time buckling it. I pull her closer to me and strap it on for her. I’m not looking into her eyes, but I hear her intake of breath. When my eyes lift to meet hers, I swear I see desire there, but that can’t be right. I clear my throat to turn back forward before I do something stupid and lose the chance of spending the day with her.

“Hop on,” I say and start the bike up when she’s seated.

I pull out of the parking lot when I see my brothers all coming out of the school side door headed toward their bikes as well. I hear them yelling and clapping, but I just flip them off as I take off down the street. Bailey’s laughing, and it’s the most beautiful fucking sound I’ve ever heard. We make it to the first red light, and I turn, speaking loud enough for her to hear me over the rumble of the engine.

“Anywhere, in particular, you want to go?” I ask.

“No, I just want to ride. This is so much more fun than I thought,” she laughs again when I take off the minute the light turns green.

Feeling her pressed up against my back has to be the best and worst feeling in the world. The best because I can feel every hot inch of her. From her perky tits to her hot pussy pressed right up against my back. I’ve never in my life felt anything better. But it’s also the worst because, with all that pressed up against me, my cock feels like it’s ready to fucking explode. I reach down, trying to discreetly squeeze my cock to the point of pain to make the beast relax. It does little to help. Especially when she wraps her body even tighter around mine.

We drive around all day; me enjoying her wrapped tightly against me until the sun goes down. I take her two towns over, down all the back roads I know, until I know it’s getting too late and I need to drop her back off at her car. I pull up into the school and park right beside her car. She climbs off, and her legs shake so hard from not being used to riding that she almost falls. I grab her at the last minute, pulling her close to my chest.