“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to run your friends off,” I tell him, hating that I might have made things awkward.

“We were all getting ready to leave, anyway. It’s no issue. Come on, I’ll walk you to class so you’re not late,” he tells me, and I can’t seem to stop the smile that overcomes my face.

“What class do you have first?” I ask, trying to fill the silence.

“Gym—but I don’t really go. I usually skip it,” he explains with a side smirk I find sexy as hell.

“Oh, I have study hall. I usually go to the library to study, but all my finals are done, so my teachers are giving us nonsense work to pass the time. Now it’s just counting down the days to prom in a few weeks and then graduation,” I tell him, excited for graduation.

“Want to skip with me?” he stops walking and stares at me.

“Skip?” I ask. “With you?”

“Yeah, with me. Come on, prom queen, live a little bit,” he says, chuckling. He’s daring me to do it, and for some reason, I want to.

“I don’t know,” I say, looking around at the deserted hallways.

“Come on. You said yourself all you have left is nonsense work,” he goads.

“Sure, but let me make a phone call first, okay?” I ask, knowing I can’t not tell my mom. I’ll end up in more trouble when I get home. I’d rather just go ahead and talk to her. She’ll talk some sense into me, and I’ll go to study hall. I pull out my phone and dial her number as Alec watches on in amusement.

“Hello?” she answers on the first ring.

“Mom, uh, is it okay to skip school today?” I ask, knowing she’s going to laugh and tell me to get my butt to class.

“Skip school, why? Are you okay?” she asks, worry lacing her voice.

“Uh, no, I’m fine. I was just going to, um, skip and hang out with Alec,” I tell her quickly.

“Oh,” she says, pausing for a minute to let it sink in. “Alright, baby. You can skip; today only, Bailey. I want you to let me know where you’re at, though, okay?”

“Wait, you’re okay with me ditching school?” I ask in complete shock.

“Bailey, you make all A’s. You’ve never missed a day of school, even when you were sick. You’ve never been out with your friends late, never been to a party. Your father and I trust you, Hunny. Live a little. You’re young, have some fun,” my mom tells me, and I can hear the smile in her voice.

“Oh, okay,” I say, still shocked.

“Just remember what your father said about that boy’s bike. Wear a helmet,” she tells me.

“Okay, mom, I love you,” I say and hear her say it back before hanging up and turning to Alec.

“Ready to go?” I ask with a huge smile on my face.