Chapter 3


“Are you going to finally talk to him today or what?” My mom asks when I walk into the kitchen to grab a bagel before school.

I told her everything that happened this weekend. I usually tell her everything anyway, so I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold out long. She was furious about me getting attacked and wanted to tell my dad to press charges, but I talked her out of it. Mainly, I distracted her by telling her all about Alec and how he rescued me.

She swooned a bit, which I found hilarious; I see where I get it from. She still wanted to tell my dad about the whole Billy ordeal, but I knew the minute we tried to press charges against him for what he did to me, he would press charges against Alec. I definitely didn’t want to bring any of that type of trouble to Alec’s doorstep. I see the way the people in this town look down at him and his friends. Even though he was protecting me, I know for a fact they wouldn’t see things that way. Just once, I wish they could see Alec through my eyes. I know they would treat him better. Now, in my own way, it’s my turn to protect him.

“Talk to who today?” my dad asks, walking in behind me in one of his custom three-piece suits.

“No one,” I rush out, but my mom speaks at the same time.

“Alec Harrison,” she says, smiling.

“Alec Harrison? One of those guys they call The Misfits?” my dad asks, raising a brow at me.

“Dad, he’s a good guy, I promise. You’ve always said I have a good head on my shoulders. I trust Alec, so if you’re going to trust anything, trust me,” I tell him. How could he not be when he’s saved me on more than one occasion? My dad doesn’t know any of that, but hopefully, he’s true to his word and trusts my judgment.

“Hey, I’m not judging,” he says, holding up his hands in a mock surrender motion. “I’m the last one to classify someone on how other people see them. Let’s just say your dad didn’t always wear a suit and tie.” He winks, and I raise a brow at him.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, looking between him and my mom.

“Nothing, Honey, I need to leave for the office. Invite him over for dinner one night. All I ask is that you do not get on the back of his bike without a helmet. Understood?” he says sternly.

“Dad, I’ve never even really talked to him before. Stop jumping the gun. He probably doesn’t even know my name,” I tell him, rolling my eyes.

“Oh sweetheart, to be young and dumb again,” my mom says, sighing while holding her chest and getting a faraway look in her eyes. My dad walks over, placing a kiss on her lips.

“You are still young, my love, and definitely not dumb. I’ll see you both tonight. Love you’s!” my dad says, walking out to the garage and getting into his car.

“What was all that about?” I ask, still confused about what just happened.

“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart, just go to school. Take a chance and at least thank that boy for helping you. Just know your father and I are here for you, no matter what. We love you and are so proud of you; nothing will ever change that. Now get going and have a great day at school,” my mom says.

“I know, mom. I love you too. I’ll see you later,” I say, heading out the door. As I get to my car, I take a deep breath before driving myself to school. Today is the day. I’m finally going to grab on to my courage and talk to my lifelong crush. I will walk up to Alec and thank him for what he did for me Friday night. Fingers crossed, it will lead to more conversations, and I won’t feel like an idiot.

By the time I get to school, I’ve nearly psyched myself out. I’m a nervous wreck just thinking about speaking to the guy, and I swear my hands are sweating. This has never happened to me before, but it could be that I’ve only ever had a crush on this one guy in eighteen years, so other boys never made me feel anything.

“Hey Bailey, you missed one hell of a party Friday night. Malcolm couldn’t find you, so me and him hooked up. I’m sure you don’t mind,” Chloe says, looking like she accomplished something amazing.

“That’s awesome, Chloe. Glad you had fun. I’ll see you around,” I tell her as I hear her huff and stomp away. Unfortunately, I can’t give her the attention she’s seeking, since I’m on a mission.

Before I lose every bit of courage I’ve mustered up, I turn down the hall and make my way to the short little alcove in the dark corner of the main building. This corner is where the TTM’s lockers are located. Making my way over there, I see them all leaning against the wall and lockers on either side of the hall. They laugh as the two brothers, Joey and Landon, fight. As I approach, they all stop to stare at me. Most of them look surprised, but Dean, of course, just looks bored as always. Oh no, any minute now, they’re all going to laugh at me, aren’t they?

“Uh hi, um,” I start, making an awkward wave motion with my hand. Jeez, how can I cheer in front of hundreds of people with not a care in the world, but these guys make me stutter like an idiot?

“Hey Bailey, what brings you to our dark little corner of the world?” Brody asks as they all continue to stare at me.

“I, um, was actually here to thank all of you for what you did Friday,” I tell them, but I can’t take my eyes off Alec. He’s staring at me like he can see straight through to my soul. I can’t seem to break this trance I’m under, and I don’t think I want to either.

“No problem at all, Bailey. Those assholes needed to be put in their fucking place,” Griffin says.

“Hey, let’s head to class. Alec, you can walk with Bailey, and we’ll catch up with you later,” Canaan says, and they all walk past me, giving me small smiles as they go.

“Class, really?” one of them whispers.

“Yeah, I know, I almost vomited on the word, but how else were we going to get them alone together?” I barely hear Canaan say. I don’t know if Alec heard it or not, but I know my cheeks still turn flaming red.