Chapter 2


“Do all you shitheads think it’s hilarious to watch your friend assault an innocent woman?” I ask, dragging Billy fucking Drake by the back of the shirt over to where my friends are still beating the shit out of the rest of the other jockhead-dicks.

“Well, I, for one, think it’s fucking hilarious watching you get your faces smashed to hell and back. If we ever catch you or hear about you doing that shit again, you’ll be pissing out of your asshole. Do we make ourselves fucking clear?” I say, letting Billy go with one more hit to the gut before letting him fall to the ground, too. I phrased that last part as a question, but it was a clear statement. If this fucker is smart, which I know he isn’t, so it sucks to be him, he would heed my warning.

“The principal is heading this way, Alec. Let’s get the fuck out of here,” Dean says, dropping Eric. He pulls a cigarette from behind his ear, lights it, and gives Eric one last kick before we make our way through the cars that are left in the school parking lot. We were hanging out under the bleachers after the game when I saw Billy stalking after Bailey. I knew in my gut nothing good was going to come from that fucker, so we took action.

“Bailey okay, brother?” Brody asks, lighting his own cigarette.

“Yeah, she was fine,” I tell them as we head to our bikes.

None of us could afford actual cars yet. Joey and Landon work at a junkyard, so we were able to go through and build our own custom bikes with parts we found here and there. It took time and a lot of hard fucking work, but we got eight custom bikes out of it we love more than anything else in this world—besides each other, of course.

“We crashing the party tonight or what?” Parker asks, mounting his bike.

“Nah, I got to head home,” I say, already dreading what I’m going to walk into.

“Fuck Alec, your mom is a grown-ass adult. If she wants to get the hell beat out of herself by her boyfriend just for a little bit of drugs, let her. You shouldn’t have to fight for her the rest of your life,” Landon tells me, but he doesn’t understand.

Yeah, I have the guys, and they are my family, but my mom is the only blood I got left. Joey and Landon are blood brothers. They lean on each other and say fuck the world, but I don’t have that with anyone but them. Maybe I am holding out a little bit of hope where my ma is concerned, or maybe it’s guilt. Whatever the case may be, I need to get back to the house and check on her.

“I’ll see y’all later,” I say, kick-starting my bike, knowing at least one or more of them will sleep at the clubhouse tonight. We made it into a less kiddy-fort house over the years, and now it’s actually a nice little apartment. We even steal power from the building nearby, so essentially, we have everything we need.

As I make the drive home, I can’t stop thinking about her. The girl that’s haunted my dreams since first grade. I’ve loved her since then, but I know in her eyes, I’m just one of the trailer trash misfits who doesn’t belong anywhere and doesn’t deserve a lick of happiness.

We aren’t delusional. We know what this town thinks about us, but you know what? Fuck them. They’ve seen firsthand what we’ve had to deal with growing up, and where were they? Nowhere to be fucking found. Their noses stuck so far up the rich assholes in this town that they couldn’t care less that we were hungry or tired or getting the shit kicked out of us every day. We clawed our way to where we’re now, surviving the life we were dealt, and we did it with only each other.

Bailey may be my one and only crush throughout my life, but she also comes from money. She’s way out of my league, and she’s too perfect for someone like me to dirty up with my trash upbringing. Her daddy’s a fucking lawyer, for christ’s sake. The minute I even look at her wrong, he’ll try to pin me with something just to keep us away from each other. I don’t need that hassle in my life, even if I’m more than willing to risk the odds. I know in my gut Bailey would be worth it.

Oh well, doesn’t matter. It’s only a few more months, and we’re all out of here. We’ve just been waiting until our high school graduation and Joey, the youngest, turns eighteen. Luckily, I turned eighteen at the beginning of the school year. I was also ready to drop the fuck out and move the hell away, but we made a deal, and I don’t go back on my word. We would all get out of here together.

I pull up to my mom’s trailer, the same one she’s lived in since I was born, and cut off my bike. I walk up the old wooden steps, waiting for the time I fall right through. Everything about this place is falling apart. I walk in the door and don’t see the fist flying toward me until it’s too late. He gets one good shot to my right eye before I turn on him, tackling him to the ground and beating the ever-loving shit out of my mom’s newest boyfriend, Greg.

“Alec, get off him. What the hell are you doing? Stop!” my mom screams as I continue to bust his face open.

“Stop it, now!” she screams, flying at me and trying to push me off. She’s so weak and fragile from the drugs she’s taken all these years that I can barely feel her touch. However, I still get up and get off the fucker bleeding all over the carpet.

“This is my house. You can’t just go around attacking my man. Get the fuck out!” my mom screams at me. I can tell by the wild eyes she can’t seem to focus that she’s high at fuck.

“He attacked me the minute I walked in the fucking door. What, did he get tired of hitting you? Wasn’t fun since you don’t defend yourself? He had to come after me as a challenge,” I scream at her, trying to break through her haze.

“Stupid fucker. Your mom said you have some cash,” he starts, but I kick him in the ribs, and he groans, rolling away from me.

“Great, so this is how you treat your kid? Tell your limp-dick man I have extra cash, and you have him beat the shit out of me to rob me? You really are a piece of work, you know that? I could have left a long time ago, but I stood by you cause you’re my mom. You sure as fuck ain’t winning the mom of the year award.” I look into my mom’s face and see absolutely nothing. No remorse, no regret, nothing.

“Fuck this place, man,” I say, turning and walking out. I hop on my bike and ride the trails until I see the lights of the bus where I know my brothers will be waiting for me.

I should have listened to them. I should have never gone there while I knew she was home. At that moment, all that hope I had been holding onto for a normal life, a normal loving mother, all evaporates right in front of my eyes. I still had dreams of leaving this place, opening up a bike shop with my brothers, making good money, and coming to take my mom away from all this shit. Those dreams are long gone now. Now, I’ll leave and make my dreams come true for me somewhere else. I’ll leave this town and leave her behind, along with everyone else. Fuck them; fuck her. We’ll open the shop, and I’ll make a living for myself and my brothers. No one else matters.