Chapter 7


It’s been two weeks of pure bliss with Alec. I spend all my time with him in school and out of it. Unless he’s in the garage with my dad, and then I leave them two alone. I love the relationship and bond they are building together. He’s even somehow managed to sneak into most of my classes. I would feel bad for taking him away from his friends, but they’ve seemed to be more preoccupied with their own love lives. Now that’s a whole other story we won’t get into at the moment. It’s finally Friday night, and we just won the last game of the season. I run off the field and straight into Alec’s arms, throwing my pompoms around his shoulders.

“Got to say, never thought I’d have the hottest cheerleader ever jumping into my arms. I am one lucky son of a bitch,” he says, leaning in and kissing me passionately.

“Soo… My parents are away for the weekend. Want to come over and hang out?” I ask, completely tired of waiting.

We’ve been making out, touching, exploring, but he won’t let it go any further than that. He says my parents trust him and he doesn’t want to break that trust. What he doesn’t know is I’ve already talked to my mom about it. Again, it may seem weird to some, but she is my best friend, and I want to be responsible. Of course, I didn’t tell my dad that’s just weird and gross, but my mom was supportive. She told me she knows how teenagers are and was glad I was responsible enough to come talk to her. She made an appointment and got me on birth control to be safe. I knew this wasn’t necessarily what she wanted, but she trusts me and she trusts Alec.

“Baby, maybe that’s not such a great idea,” he says, growling as I shift over him, rubbing against his hard length.

“Please, I can’t wait anymore,” I whine, and I see his control finally snap.

He carries me out to the parking lot and right up to his bike, fastens my helmet, climbs on, and takes off, speeding toward my house. I’m wet and needy for Alec; feeling the vibration of his bike only increases the sensations. By the time we make it to my driveway, I’m about to melt into a puddle.

Alec grabs me and rushes to the door. When we make it inside, he climbs the stairs two at a time, his mouth devouring mine the whole time. I feel my bed at my back and then Alec is grinding into my center with his hard cock. He rubs once, twice, and that’s all it takes. I scream out in pleasure. The minute I have my breath back, I rip at his clothes. We get undressed faster than I thought possible until Alec is standing over me, completely naked, looking down at me on the bed.

“Wow,” he says, looking at me with such heat. Suddenly, I’m nervous. This is all new to both of us. We had the conversation one night while we were fooling around. We will be each other’s first’s and only.

“Baby, we can stop now if you want,” he tells me, looking concerned.

“No, I need you. I just don’t want to disappoint you,” I tell him, being honest.

“Not possible, Bailey,” he says, coming down on top of me and taking my mouth in a savage kiss. That one kiss alone wipes all my worries away. I wrap my legs around his waist and grind into him. We both pull back, moaning at the contact.

“I’m not going to last long this first time. I’m sorry, baby. I’ll make it up to you,” he tells me, dragging his hand down my body, through my wetness, and then grabs the base of his cock. He places it at my entrance and then looks back up at me.

“I need to feel you. Please, Alec,” I tell him, and he closes his eyes as he pushes slowly into me.

When he gets to my barrier, he pauses. There’s an intense look of concentration on his face, but it’s filled with love and devotion as he takes a deep breath, steadying himself to continue. He opens his eyes, looks at me, and pushes all the way in, causing me to wince.

“I’m so sorry, baby. I hate having to hurt you,” he says, wiping a tear off my cheek. It’s my turn to take a deep breath and a minute later, I’m wiggling underneath him.

“Move, my love,” I tell him, and he pulls out slowly, watching my face.

When I don’t flinch but moan in pleasure, he unleashes his all on me. In, out, in, out. His rhythm doesn’t falter as he leans down, sucking on my neck and biting my ear. I know he’s leaving his mark on my neck, which only turns me on even more. Every time I look in the mirror, I’ll be able to see the remains of our lovemaking. He moans into my ear, and the sound drives me right to the edge of ecstasy that only he can fill me with.

“Let go, baby. Please, god, you feel so fucking good. I can’t take it anymore, having your tight, wet pussy wrapped around my dick. I’m losing my fucking mind.” His words push me over, and that’s all it takes for both of us to let go and just feel. Having him inside me, letting go completely, and feeling him giving me everything in return; now I know the meaning of true bliss.

“I love you so much, Alec. Please don’t stop loving me,” I tell him, not able to take the thought of him leaving me.

“That could never happen. You’re my everything, Bailey. I’m nothing without you. Spending my life without you isn’t a possibility. ‘I love you’ seems like such a small statement compared to how I feel about you. I crave you, baby. I’m obsessed with you. I couldn’t live in this world if you weren’t in my life. You are the only thing in my life that has ever given me a purpose.”

“Romeo and Juliet can suck it. They have nothing on us,” I laugh/cry. Tears stream down my face at his comment. How can one person love so hard? I didn’t dream that I would find a love as strong as the one my parents have. I grew up with that kind of love and wished someone could love me half as hard was the best I could do. Alec took my dreams and shattered them through the roof into the sky, shooting for the stars but landing on the moon. This man has given everything I never thought I would have, and I’ll fight anyone who tries to take that, take him from me.

I lean up, kissing him passionately, and he starts moving inside me again. I may be sore tomorrow, but having him inside me is the best feeling in the world. I thought I needed him before, but after experiencing that with him, I know that’s an understatement. I need him to breathe, to live, to be complete. I need all of him, and nothing could ever change that.