She put one knee between his legs and worked her way over until she knelt between his thighs. Then she leaned, placing her hands on either side of his waist. She stared him in the eye, her mouth swollen from sucking his cock.

“Can I ride you, Jake?”

He heaved an exaggerated sigh. “I suppose so, wench. You won’t be happy until you’ve completely ravished me.”

She laughed, a beautiful sound, so open and free. She bent down closer and kissed him. He allowed her to dictate the motion, and he enjoyed the fact that she took so much pleasure in exploring him.

When she started to mount him, he put a hand to her waist. “There’s a condom in the nightstand drawer.”

She shook her head. “I don’t want one. Unless you do?”

“Hell, Ellie, that’s like asking a starving man if he wants a carrot. Of course I don’t want to wear one. Men never do. But we suck it up and do it if we don’t want to lose a testicle.”

She grinned. “Well, I’m the boss in this seduction, and I don’t want one.”

He arched one eyebrow at her. “Well then, far be it for me to argue with the boss.”

The words nearly strangled him as she sank down on him in one fluid motion. Holy hell in a bucket, the woman was going to kill his ass. Why did he ever think he was going to have to treat her with kid gloves when he convinced her to go to bed with him?

Her fingers rested on his abdomen. She wiggled slightly as she tried to accommodate his size. Then she let out a long sigh of pleasure. Really, was there anything in the world better than the sound a contented woman made? Especially when you were the guy satisfying her.

“Ellie, if you don’t start moving, this is all going to be over before it gets really fun,” he said in a strained voice.

Her hips began a sensual rotation. She rolled and undulated then pushed herself upward. Her hips rose until he nearly slipped from her pussy before she sank down again, taking him as deep as he could go.

He was looking at a goddess. She sat astride him, head thrown back in abandon. Her breasts thrust forward, the nipples tight beads. Her curls spilled over her shoulders, bouncing as she began to ride him faster.

He reached out, desperate to touch her, needing to feel her. He cupped her breasts, wanting to give back the pleasure she gave to him.

His thumbs brushed across her nipples, and she jerked in reaction. He smiled. “Like that, do you?”


He leaned up, wrapping his arms around her back. He caressed her bare skin, lowering until he cupped the globes of her ass. He squeezed and massaged, lifting her before letting her fall back onto his cock.

“You’re magnificent, Ellie. I swear to God, you’re going to kill me if we keep this up.”

She opened her eyes. “Want me to stop?”

He smacked her on the ass. “Smart-mouthed wench. You stop and I’ll tie you to this bed for a month.”

She continued to ride him and let out breathy, desperate sounds. “Jake, that isn’t exactly a threat. Will I still get paid for missing work?”

He laughed. God, he loved this woman.

Her breathing sped up. “Help me, Jake,” she pleaded. “I can’t hold out much longer.”

He relaxed back onto the bed and gripped her hips. He could feel the storm building.

“Relax, sweetheart. Let me do the work for a while.”

She braced her hands on his forearms as he ground her down onto his cock over and over. The contractions started deep in her pussy. Soon she trembled all over.


Her body tensed into one long, continuous spasm. He felt a sudden burst of wetness within her as she slumped onto his chest.

He held her tightly, smoothing his hands up and down her damp back. She lay like a rag doll across him, her chest heaving.

Finally, she raised her head, regret simmering in her blue eyes. “I’m sorry.”

“What the hell for?” he demanded.

She blushed. “You haven’t even come yet.”

He grinned and flexed his hips, driving his cock deeper within her. “Well now, sweetheart, we can fix that if you’ll roll with me for a minute.”

He rolled her over, taking her underneath him. He repositioned himself between her legs and thrust. She let out another contented sigh, one that nearly had him spilling right then and there.

He moved back and forth, allowing the rocketing pleasure to take over him. Sweat beaded his brow, and he closed his eyes to the unbearable tension building in his groin.

“Goddamn,” he muttered.

Once, twice, then once more, he sank into her, and finally he erupted. He held himself tightly against her as he ejaculated deep into her womb.

He leaned down to kiss her then shifted to the side of her, flopping with an exhausted sigh onto the bed.

She turned, curling herself into his chest just like she belonged there. He wrapped both arms around her.

“That was incredible,” he murmured as he kissed the top of her head.

She yawned and nodded, her head rubbing against his chest. She nuzzled closer, and he felt her eyelashes brush over his skin as she closed her eyes.

“Hold me?” she mumbled.

He smiled and squeezed her a little tighter. “I’m not letting go.”

Chapter Seven

Ellie awoke to warm, sinful kisses. Jake’s lips burned a trail over the curve of her shoulder to the sensitive skin at the nape of her neck.

“You’re awake,” he murmured.

“Like I could sleep when you’re doing that.”

She turned in his arms until she faced him.

“Let’s go shopping,” Jake said.

She blinked in surprise. “What?”


“Jake, you hate shopping. What are we shopping for, anyway?”

He sat up in bed, his naked body, his gorgeous naked body, slipping from the sheets.

“A Christmas tree.”

“You already have a Christmas tree,” she pointed out.

He reached over and flicked her nose. “But you don’t.”

She frowned. “I don’t want a tree.”

“Ellie, you love Christmas, and you’re letting that bastard ruin it for you. Now get your ass up so we can go buy you a tree. I’ll buy you lots of nice colored lights to go on it.”

She glared at him as he got up from the bed. “I want white lights.”

“That’s so boring,” he said. “What you need is something that blinks.”

She managed a horrified look. “I am not putting flashing lights on my tree!”

He chuckled. “Come on. Let’s take a shower. I’ll let you talk me into white lights, but I get to pick out the ornaments.”

She swung her leg over the side of the bed, marveling at how easily he’d won that argument. He could charm the scales right off a snake.

“No,” Ellie said. “That one’s not quite right either.”

Jake shook his head in exasperation and set aside yet another tree. He dug around for a moment before pulling out another. He stood it up and slowly rotated it around for her to see.

“How’s this?”

She drew her eyebrows together in thought. It wasn’t bad. No large holes. And the symmetry was good. She was a freak about symmetry. It was tall without being too tall, and it was fresh and green.

“I like it.”

Jake cocked an eyebrow. “You sure? Because we can keep looking.”

She smiled at his patience. They’d been looking for an hour, and he’d been a good sport as she refused tree after tree.

“No, that one’s perfect, I think.”

He hoisted the tree up over his shoulder and headed for the cashier stationed outside the home improvement store in the lawn and garden section. He leaned it against the register and then dug around in his back pocket for his wallet. He flipped the cashier his credit card then glanced back at Ellie.

“Wait here and I’ll pull the truck around.”

r />   Jake let out a grunt as he righted the tree, the stand firmly affixed to the base. Ellie stood back and stared intently.

“Is it straight?” he asked.

She nodded. They’d gotten the tree through her front door. Barely. Jake had set it up in the far corner, and she had to admit, she was glad she’d gotten it now. She couldn’t wait to see it all aglow with the tiny white lights they’d bought.

“I like it when you smile.”

She blinked and looked up to see Jake staring at her.

“I didn’t realize I was,” she said sheepishly.