Page 63 of Hard Road Home

His mouth curled up, slightly crooked. “Not really. One of the things you said to me four years ago was about my lack of commitment to the Crossing. I’ve decided to invest some of my money into the town. Eleanor is helping me search out commercial property looking for a little TLC. The Crossing is growing and we should be encouraging investment in the town. Not only in tourism.”

He’d remembered what she’d said all this time? “Where is Xander Mac and what have you done with him?”

“He’s right here.” He rested his palm on his chest. “He decided to grow up and take the risk on love. But the scared kid is still in here, so you might have to be patient with me, sometimes.”

“I’m sorry things were so tough for you as a child.”

“I always thought I could put it behind me. You read about kids who were abused who turn to drugs and alcohol to escape the memories. I was never going to be that kid. My drug was money and my escape was the illusion I’d left the past behind. I didn’t realise I was dragging it along with me. Not until I realised how much it affected my decisions. I can’t do anything about Mum and Sunny leaving. They had to make hard choices and I have to assume neither of them realised Sid would keep me with him. He wasn’t exactly paternal. In the end I have to make my own choices about what I want to do with my life.”

“You really want to have a family, even if it’s not perfect?”

“I’ll probably be a useless dad.” He brightened, his brows arcing above his clear blue eyes. “I’ve never had a proper father, but my grandfather has always been there for me. He’s a great husband too, so I guess I’ve had a good role model after all.”

“They’re good people. My life wouldn’t have been the same without them helping out Nan.”

“You know you don’t have to be perfect to be my girl, Bonnie Callaghan. It’s always been you, as you are. Even if I wouldn’t admit it for a long time. Not out loud anyway.”

“Same here. I loved you when you were a teenager and nothing changed over the years, except maybe the depth of my feelings. I thought for a while you might prefer someone out there in the bigger world. Someone who wouldn’t bring you back to the Crossing and all the things you seemed to hate.”

“It took a long time to disentangle the bad stuff from the good. Fear kept me blind. One thing I did work out. You were the good every time. When I’m with you, I don’t feel afraid. It’s when we’re apart, or when I think about losing you, that I let it get to me. I react badly. Can you live with that?”

“If I’m certain of your love, I would go anywhere with you.”

“You weren’t certain four years ago, were you? I’d made it impossible for you to feel secure because of all that drivel about it having to be fun or it’s over. I was too afraid to tell you how I really felt.”

“I had my own insecurities. I’m ordinary and I was conscious of my health issues. You could have had anyone. I couldn’t see why you’d want me.”

“Because you’re you and I love you. I’m not afraid to say it now. Will you be my woman for all my tomorrows?”

“Always.” She held out her hand.

He reached across, their fingers touching but not quite enough. “May I join you?”

She shifted over and he squeezed in beside her.

“This is cosy.”

Bonnie turned on her side. “Is this better?”

He wiggled down under the covers with a grin. “I’m seeing some advantages to single beds.”

The confidences were over for now. He’d probably had enough of the depths; she could follow him for a dip in the shallows, now that she knew they were for relief rather than the whole story. It would take time for him to lay aside the persona for the reality. She could give him time. She’d give him anything. Forgive him anything.

They were nose to nose on the pillow, his body warm and radiating the essence of him. His bare legs brushed against the satin fabric of her pyjamas, spreading the heat, one arm draped over her waist.

“I love you, Alexander MacDonald. I always have.”

He cupped her cheek. “We wasted a lot of time.”

Bonnie leaned into his touch. “We needed to grow up. Both of us.”

“Still growing.”

She wriggled her hand up to match his, smoothing her palm over the slight roughness of his late-night stubble. “We can do it together.”

“Is it really what you want? I know I’ve been pushy, while also holding back emotionally. I wasn’t being fair.”

“We have plenty of time to work it out.”