Page 5 of Hard Road Home

Xander twisted in his seat at the warning note in Leo’s voice.

“Hi, guys.”

“Hi, Tamara.” Leo stayed silent as the others all said hello.

Xander was surprised, because he thought Leo liked the pretty blonde. “How come you’re working here? I thought you were still at the inn?”

Tamara beamed back at him, placing her tray on the next table and stacking the dirty dishes. “It’s only a few shifts during the festival. Colin is home with Dad.”

The boy. It still sounded odd, hearing the boy called Colin. It was a name he hadn’t heard for a long time. Technically he’d known it from the paperwork, but it was different hearing it out loud. “How’s he going?”

“Growing up.” She hefted the tray onto one hip with an experienced move. “I’ll catch you later. You’ll be around for the festival I suppose? Apart from the concert?”

“Do you have tickets?”

“Bonnie gave me her spare.”

He tried not to feel a spurt of pleasure that Bonnie wasn’t bringing a boyfriend with her to the concert. “If you need more, let me know. We have extras for special fans.”

A flush highlighted her cheekbones, making her prettier than ever. Not his kind of pretty, but he could see why others found her attractive. She’d been pretty at fifteen, when she’d first started working at the inn after school. Too pretty.

“I’ll keep it in mind.” She took an order for coffee for everyone and headed off.

Leo scowled after her. “I didn’t realise she was still around.”

“She lives with her dad on the farm.”

“You’re still in touch? How old is the kid?”

“Over three now. I haven’t seen him recently, but he takes after Tamara.”

“Does Bonnie know?”

He hoped not. “Tamara might have told her, but I doubt it.” Tamara had been adamant she didn’t want anyone to know what a fool she’d been when he’d had his family lawyer set up the trust for the boy shortly after the birth. He had to respect her decision, even if it were convenient as hell. There were plenty of secrets he didn’t need the world to know.

The others were ready to talk about tonight, so they focused on finalising the song order for the set and any contingencies. Tamara delivered their coffees, but the bistro was starting to fill up with people in town for the festival, leaving her no time to chat. He’d have to meet with her sometime, once the rest of the guys headed off for their mini break at the coast.

Back in Leo’s room, they checked through the equipment. The backstage crew were still in Sydney taking shipment of the rest of the gear they’d used for the North American tour. They’d need it for the big concert. Tonight was about the instruments and sound system. It reminded Xander of the pub gigs they’d done in the early years, once they’d been old enough to be allowed in. Just him and the guys without all the bells and whistles. He might be able to capture that again if he and Leo followed through with their plan.

Setting up didn’t take long, despite the freezing weather. The wind had dropped, which made a big difference. The festival committee were there to help, and he recognised the mayor. Roland Suffolk was a genuinely nice guy who cared for his town. The Crossing had gone ahead under his leadership, trying to balance being a tourist destination with the traditional farming focus of the district. In Xander’s opinion he was doing well.

Trey Cruikshanks, one of the festival committee, was there as well. He was a bit older than Xander, but he and his father had been family solicitors for the MacDonalds forever. He’d gotten to know Trey through his own dealings in recent years.

“How’s it going, Xander?”

“Good. A bit tired after the tour and looking forward to a break.”

The older man nodded. He was bigger in build than Xander by a long way and the bulky green parka gave him a hulk-like aspect. “Your grandparents will be pleased to see you.”

“I’m pleased to be home.”

Trey finished adjusting the sign with the evening’s schedule carefully printed with wintry decorations. “I’m glad I ran into you. It’ll save a call. If you get a chance, I’d like you and Tamara to come into the office. Some signatures.”

Xander stood still. “No problems?”

“Not at all. No hurry. We’ve tweaked a few of the investments for a better return.”

“Sounds good.”