Page 30 of Hard Road Home

He indicated the other armchair and she found the prospect of a few moments talking to someone outside her own circle intriguing. This was one of the things Flo excelled at, chatting with visitors and making them feel at home. “I’d love to, but I’ll get the drinks. What would you like?”

“Would a hot chocolate be too much trouble?”

“Not at all.”

He settled back in the chair and she went into the kitchen, returning a few minutes later with his chocolate and a cup of tea for herself. She’d added a plate of Anzac biscuits. The guest took the mug with an acknowledging inclination of his head.

There were a few moments of silence as they settled.

“You work here full time?”

The query startled her as the man had shown no curiosity in their previous interactions. “Temporarily. I’m filling in while Flo is out of action.”

“After which you will return to working in a restaurant?”

“How did you know? Of course. I suppose Flo told you.”

He smiled, his sombre face looking younger in the glow from the simmering coals. He was probably in his mid-thirties rather than close to the forty she’d guessed earlier.

“It was a fair exchange. I give her information about me; she tells me a little about herself.”

“She said you were moving here.”

His eyes flickered in the firelight. “A tree change. I lost my wife a year ago.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Time heals. A change will make it easier. My daughter is not so keen.”

“How old is she?”

“Twelve.” A wry twist to his mouth told her more than the simple word.

“Once she makes friends, she’ll settle.”

“I hope so. I’ve more or less burned our bridges.”

She looked a query and he place the mug on the small table beside the chair. “I’ve bought a house, and our old one is under contract.”

“It’s a nice town. I’m sure it’ll work out.”

“Of course. But you didn’t answer my question. Is the town going to keep you here?”

“I’d like to stay, if I can find work.”

“No boyfriend?”

She wondered if he’d seen her with Xander. “I have someone I’m interested in, but he doesn’t take life seriously.”

“Is that such a bad thing?”

“If you want someone reliable, who’ll stick around for the long haul.”

There was a silence as her companion stared into the fire. A log fell, sending the flames up in a flare that added a diabolic look to his face.

Finally, he looked up. “May I tell you something?”

“If you wish.” Her throat tightened, knowing he wanted to tell her about his wife.