“I promise you are everything.” He kissed her neck and jaw, moving to her ear. “You’re mine. No one else can ever have you. Not the way I have you.”

“No one,” she whispered. “I don’t want anyone else.”

“Good, because I’ll lose my mind without you now.”

* * * *

TYLER LOOKED UP FROMhis computer screen when Sammy tapped on his office door. He glanced at the clock, noting it was a few minutes before noon.

“Hi.” She smiled. “I brought something for you.”

He took in her perfect form as she stood there holding a rectangular container. Her navy skirt stopped just above her knees, hugging her hips in a way that revealed her soft curves. Her white blouse was tucked neatly into the skirt and she’d left the first two buttons undone, teasing him with what he now knew was hidden under those clothes.

He hadn’t been able to concentrate all morning. She’d left his apartment late Sunday afternoon because she had to study for exams and rehearse her concert piece for an upcoming recital. He had protested her departure, but she reminded him he had two proposals to look over and an early morning meeting with a client. She may have been his grandfather’s assistant, but she was observant and knew Tyler’s schedule well.

“Come in.” He stood from his desk and walked around to greet her. “How was class?”

“Good, but I’m ready for the semester to be over.”

“Ah, but then you’ll be stuck inside this building all summer.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek, wanting more than a friendly peck, but it was the middle of the workday, and after making love to her all weekend there would be no such thing as a quick kiss on the lips. “Jack will drive you crazy.”

“I’ll get to see you every day.”

“That sounds perfect.” He motioned toward the couch. “Would you like to have a seat? I’ll get you a bottle of water.”

“No.” She took his hand. “I have to start my day. I wanted to say hello and bring you these.” She handed him the container. “I baked them for you.”

“That was sweet.” When he popped open the lid, a chocolate aroma escaped. “Brownies. My favorite.”

“Coda told me.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I wanted to do something special for you.”

“When did you have time to bake these?”

“Last night.” She reached out and straightened his tie, brushing his neck with her fingertips. “I couldn’t sleep.”

A surge of warmth flooded his insides. All he could think about was her underneath him, looking into his eyes with the most trusting look in hers.

“I was restless,” she admitted. “So I baked.”

“Why didn’t you call me?” He didn’t have a very successful night of sleep either. After having her next to him the two nights before, he found it difficult to fall asleep without her in his arms.

“I didn’t want to bother you.”

“You would never be a bother.” He lifted her chin and focused on her lips, realizing now he would lose the battle of not kissing her in his office. “Why were you so restless?”

“I missed being with you.”

“You definitely should have called.” He hadn’t wanted to disturb her while she was studying, so he’d buried himself in storyboards and emails before finally drifting off after two in the morning.

“You had an early meeting and I knew you were working out with Spencer before that, so I didn’t want to—” She stopped her thought, but he sensed there was more. “I decided to make you the brownies.”

“You didn’t want to what?” He leaned closer to her lips, feeling the energy that buzzed between them whenever they were this close. “Tell me.”

“We had this amazing weekend. The gala, meeting your mom, the things we did at your apartment.”

The blush in her cheeks gave her away. “I know, baby. I had a really good time too.”

“I didn’t want to call because I didn’t want you to think I’m needy.”