“I can already hear it in your voice that something is coming next,” Tyler said. “I’m totally focused on the agency. You don’t have to worry about that.”

“I’m not.” Spencer finished his drink. “I already told you I think you’re doing a fantastic job. You’re working really hard and it shows.”

“What is it?” Tyler knew his brother better than anyone. There was something on his mind. “Is everything okay with you and Coda?”

“Perfect.” He smiled at his wife. “I know exactly what you meant when you said it was different. That’s how I felt about Coda. Things happened fast between us too. I want to make sure you know what you’re getting into.”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“Look, I wasn’t going to bring it up, but since you asked... I’m wondering how Sammy ended up in the hotel the night of the wedding.”

“She already told us,” Tyler said. “She had a gig, I think. She was there for a school function.”

“Not at the hotel though,” Spencer said. “I secured the entire place. There were no other functions there that night for security purposes.”

“She told me the affair was somewhere in the area of the hotel. I didn’t ask for a specific location. I had other things on my mind.” Tyler thought about how he wanted Sammy to stay the night in his suite with him. “As a matter of fact, she admitted to me that she ended up at the hotel because she wanted to see if she could catch a glimpse of Coda.”


“They were from the same neighborhood. It was a big deal that Coda was marrying a billionaire. She wanted to have a story to tell the old ladies on her old block. I thought it was kind of cool that she wanted to see for herself.”

“I’m sorry. I assumed she said she was at the hotel for the function. I didn’t know she told you why she was there. I didn’t mean anything.”

“Yeah, you did.” Tyler laughed. “You can’t help yourself when it comes to your family. You’re protective.”

“I may go a little overboard sometimes.”

“A little?”

The music slowed as Sammy and Coda made their way over to them.

“Are you ready to dance, Mr. Cannon?” Coda took her husband’s hand. “I’m not leaving until you dance with me tonight.”

“Yes, Mrs. Cannon, I think I am.” Spencer followed her onto the dance floor.

“Aren’t they cute?” Sammy smiled as she watched them move to the music. “He looks at her as if she is the only woman in the room.”

“Well, that’s certainly not true.” Tyler took her hand. “I’m about to dance with the only woman in the room as far as I’m concerned.”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

He led her onto the dance floor, keeping his hand in hers and placing the other around her waist. He held her close to him, wanting to feel as much of her as he could.

“Are you having a good time?” He moved her in time with the slow bass of the band.

“The best night of my life.”

“Sweetheart, we haven’t even gotten started.” He spun her around, bringing her back to him.

When she looked up, he saw the excitement in her expression. Once she had gotten over her initial nerves, she smiled and laughed all night. He loved seeing her so happy.

“You have no idea how exciting tonight is for me. You’re used to this kind of stuff, but I’ve never experienced anything like this. Thank you for tonight.”

“Thank you for coming with me.” He pulled her close to him. “You don’t know how pleasant it is to have someone with me who isn’t bored and truly appreciates all of this.”

“Who could be bored with you?”

“You’d be surprised at the dates I’ve escorted to these things.”