“What about your mom?”

“She died when I was ten.” Getting to know new people usually led to the inevitable family talk.

“Wow, Sammy.” When he reached for her hand, the heat rushed to her cheeks. His gesture was unexpected, but sweet. “I’m sorry. That must have been hard.”

“She wasn’t very stable.” Sammy didn’t like to discuss her mom, but Tyler’s presence soothed her. “Prescription drugs got the better of her. I try not to think about it too much. My grandparents are my parents. I’m very fortunate to have them.”

“Do they live in Brooklyn?”

“They still have the house, but most of the time they are in Florida. My grandfather’s sister lives there, and they enjoy the warm weather and the beach. They come back a few times a year. I visit them when I can.”

“They did a good job with you. You seem to have your shit together. You’re a lot better off than I was at your age.”

“Seriously.” She rolled her eyes. “You’re twenty-seven and you run an ad agency. I’d say you have your shit together.”

“No, Spencer runs the agency. My grandfather likes to have final say on everything. I’m still learning, and I’ve only recently become serious about it. I was a partier. I barely made it out of college, and when I did, my grandfather made me intern for a year before he trusted me with anything.”

“You’re not into the whole club scene anymore?”

“I still like it, but it’s getting old.” He laughed as he pulled into the valet line in front of the restaurant. “Maybe I’m getting old. The agency has exploded in the last year and we’re really busy. That doesn’t leave much time to party. Most of my friends are settling down now too. That makes it hard when I’m looking to hang out on a Friday night.”

A man opened her car door for her as Tyler handed his keys to another man. She slid out of the car and smiled as Tyler came around and took her hand. She admired the chic storefront with the large tinted windows and spotlights shining on the entrance. There was a long line to get in, but Tyler bypassed the waiting diners and walked in through the large double doors. No one stopped him.

“I thought it was a pizza place,” she whispered.

“It is, but I told you it’s a hot spot.”

“Mr. Cannon.” An attractive woman with long blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes greeted him. “We have your table.”

“Thanks, Meg,” he replied as they walked down the hall and through the main dining room. Tyler led Sammy up a flight of stairs and into a secluded room. There were only a few other tables filled with patrons.

Meg sat them by the floor-length windows that surrounded the room and overlooked Times Square. Sammy took in the view. Even though she lived in the city, she didn’t get into the heart of it often. She’d been busy with school and recitals the last few months, and now she was focusing on picking classes for her final year of school.

“Thanks, Meg,” Tyler said when she placed menus in front of them.

“Let me know if you need anything.” She smiled at them both, but turned her attention back to Tyler, letting her gaze linger a little longer than necessary before sauntering away. Sammy couldn’t blame her. Hewassomething to look at.

“I thought you said you’d never been here before.” She looked around the dining room. “It’s cool.”

“I haven’t.”

“Meg knew you and we didn’t have to wait for a table.”

“You’ll never have to wait for a table when you’re with me.” His grin displayed his sexy confidence. “Her family caters lunches at the office. She works for them and she just got a job here. I called her and asked if she could get us in.”

“Used all that Cannon charm?” Sammy could picture him smiling and complimenting Meg as he maneuvered a reservation out of her.

“What else?” He shrugged. “If you got it...”

“And you know you have it.”

“Don’t you like my charm?”

“More than I should.” She glanced at the menu as she thought about how quickly she’d become taken with him. They’d only seen one another twice and had one phone conversation. That was all it took to get hooked on Tyler Cannon.

That could be dangerous on so many levels.

* * * *