“Hmm...checking out Spencer too? He’s married.” Tyler winked. “We’re seriously into martial arts. We’re both third degree black belts. We train every morning together before work and three hours on the weekends. It’s a fantastic workout.”

When her gaze traveled along his body, she had to agree. There wasn’t an inch of him that looked neglected.

He pushed the button on a key fob as they approached a sleek, black Mercedes.

“Sweet ride,” she said as she looked it over. No one in her neighborhood drove anything like that.

“Thanks, I bought it last month.” He opened the door for her. “It’s my grown-up car.”

“I don’t even have a non-grown-up car.” She giggled.

“I like when you do that.”


“Giggle.” He playfully tugged on the end of her hair. “It’s adorable.”

Her heart fluttered when he smiled at her, and he tossed the hair over her shoulder.Total charmer.

When she slid in, she took in the scent of new leather. Where she came from, people didn’t often buy brand new cars, and if they did, they weren’t like this one. As she looked around at the electronic dashboard and all the gadgets, she wondered how much something like this cost. Probably more money than she’d ever seen.

Tyler got in the driver’s side door as she buckled her seatbelt. “There’s a new pizza place downtown I thought we could try, unless you wanted something else.”

“Pizza is great.” Relief washed over her when she realized they weren’t going to some fancy Manhattan haunt. She worried she wouldn’t fit in with his crowd. He was into the club scene from what the social pages said. That wasn’t her thing.

“It’s the newest hot spot. Always packed. I heard they have fantastic food.” He pulled out onto the street. “They have salads and pasta too if you don’t want pizza.”

“It sounds perfect.” She was impressed that he’d put that much thought into where they were eating. It wasn’t as if he had much time to plan their date.

“The cello, huh?”

“Yeah, I’ve been playing since I was nine.”

“That’s cool. My father played the piano for the New York Philharmonic. Spencer picked up his talent. He didn’t go, but he was accepted to Juilliard.”

“Wow, I wanted to go there, but I didn’t get accepted.” At first she had been crushed when she didn’t receive an acceptance letter from Juilliard, but a few days later she got into the conservatory. “I love my school, so it’s all good. You’re not musical?”

“No.” He laughed. “Spencer got all that. I got the good looks.”

“Your dad must be proud of both of you.”

“He passed away years ago.”

“I’m sorry.”

“My grandfather stepped in and kept us in line. He founded the agency and taught Spencer and me everything we know. Having him around was a huge help to our mother after our dad died.”

“Grandparents can be great. Mine raised me.”

“Your parents?”

“I never knew my dad. He died before I was born. He was a musician too. He played the guitar in a band.”

She didn’t talk about her dad often. Her parents weren’t married, and he died months before her mom gave birth to her. A few years ago, she’d found her birth certificate and learned his name, but she never took it any further than that. Not until she found herself in the lobby of the hotel the night she met Tyler. It was the name on her certificate that had drawn her to the Cannons in the first place.

“Coda’s dad was a musician. I can’t remember if he played an instrument or if he sang, but he was in a band too. Small world.”

“We’re all connected somehow, right?”