“I wanted to see you,” she said. “I didn’t like the way we left things.”

“Really? I don’t like being lied to.” When he stood and stumbled forward, she realized he had been drinking. Spencer caught him by his arm.

“Tyler,” Spencer tried to help him back to the couch. “You need to slow down.”

“I’m fine.” He pulled out of his brother’s hold.

“No, you’re not.” Sammy came toward him. “Let me help you.”

“Now might not be the right time to talk to Tyler,” Coda said. “But I have a few questions.”

“I know, Coda. I didn’t mean to go about this the way I did.” Sammy wished she could go back and change the way she had done things. “All I have to go on is my birth certificate, and my mother could have put your dad’s name on it. I didn’t want to disrupt anyone’s life or make a problem where there was none.”

“My mother seems to believe what your birth certificate says.” Coda looked down as Spencer took her hand. “You must have thought it was true on some level. You came to our wedding.”

“I came to the lobby of the hotel the night of your wedding out of curiosity.” Sammy looked at Tyler before continuing. “I wasn’t there to cause a scene or make trouble. I wanted to see you. If we really are sisters, I thought seeing you would be okay. I was never going to tell you or cause issues for you and your mom. I didn’t think that would be fair.”

“After you got to know me, you could have told me,” Coda said. “We could have figured it out together.”

“I was afraid you would think I was after something. The more time went by the harder it became. I decided it would be better if you didn’t know.”

“You should have told me,” Tyler said. “I would have helped you tell Coda. Spencer shouldn’t have had to go to the trouble of finding all of this out the way he did.”

“The last thing I wanted was to hurt any of you.” Sammy continued to stare at Tyler, hoping they would connect with one another the way they always had. She needed him to believe that he was the only one she was after. “I didn’t expect for things to turn out the way they did.”

“You made mistakes,” Spencer said. “You could have handled things differently, but we’re past that now.”

“Maybe you are,” Tyler said, and she detected the hurt and anger in his voice. “I’m not over anything.”

“Sammy,” Spencer said, “would you be willing to submit to a DNA test? I can’t help you with my brother. That’s between the two of you. I would like to give my wife certainty before any more damage is done.”

“What my husband means to say is, before anyone else gets hurt, maybe we could find out for sure before we move further in a relationship,” Coda said. “I like you, and I think you’re really good for Tyler. After talking with my mom today, my heart tells me you are my father’s daughter, but Spencer is right, we need to know for sure. It’s silly to guess.”

“I’ll do whatever you want,” Sammy said. “I want to know for sure too. I thought I could forget about it, but now that you all know what I had suspected, I’d like to know if we’re related.”

“I’ll set it up.” Spencer looked at Tyler. “Do you want us to stay?”

“I wantallof you to go,” he said. “I want to go to bed.”

“I can stay,” Spencer said. “Make sure you get settled.”

“I can walk you out, Sammy,” Coda said. “Maybe tomorrow would be a better time to talk to Tyler.”

“I don’t want her to come back,” Tyler said, and his words broke her heart. “I don’t want to talk to her again or hear any more lies.”

You can’t mean that.

“Tyler,” Coda said. “You need to go to bed.”

“Don’t come back here.” He stared at Sammy. “Don’t.”

Even in his intoxicated state, there was a certainty in his voice that scared her. She may be getting a future with a new sister, but in the process she was losing the love of her life. That was a steep price to pay.

She nodded as she tried to fight back the tears forming in her eyes. “I have to go.” She turned and headed for the foyer. Coda followed her.

“Wait.” Coda grabbed her arm. “He drank a lot. He doesn’t know what he’s saying.”

“He does, and I can’t blame him,” Sammy said. “Why are you being so kind to me?”