* * * *

AFTER DINNER, SAMMYsaid her goodbyes to her grandparents. Tyler arranged for them to meet for breakfast before they left for the airport in the morning. He had extended an opportunity for them to stay more than two days, but they had declined. Tyler knew it was because they didn’t want to impose on his hospitality, but he’d keep them in New York for as long as they wanted just to see that sparkle in his girl’s eyes.

“I know I say this a lot.” She took his hand as they strolled through the lobby of the hotel. “This was the best night of my life.”

“Hmm, better than the gala?”

“That was a great night too.”

“Our first date?”

“Another fantastic night.” They walked out onto the busy downtown street. “The night you told me you loved me. That was perfect too. See, I told you, I say it a lot.”

“All of my nights spent with you are the best of my life.” He wrapped his arm around her waist, taking in the warm night air. “How about a carriage ride through Central Park? Would you like to end the evening that way?”

“I’d love a carriage ride, but that’s not how I want to end the evening.”

He headed in the direction where the car was waiting for them. He had borrowed Spencer’s driver, Andrew, for the day. “So, we’ll do the carriage ride first and then we’ll find something else for you to ride later.”

“You’re dirty.” She giggled.

“You like it.” He winked before turning to Andrew. “Can you head toward Central Park? My girl and I would like a carriage ride.”

“It’s a perfect night for it,” Andrew said as he opened the door for them. “Miss.” He nodded for Sammy to get in. “I hope you liked your surprise. Your grandparents are a fun couple.”

“I’m sure they gave you a colorful afternoon.” Sammy slid into the car. “Did my grandfather try to sit up front with you?”

“He did, but your grandmother put her foot down.”

“That sounds about right.” Sammy laughed. “Thanks for treating them so well.”

“It was my pleasure.”

Tyler slid into the car and sat next to her, resting his hand on her knee. “You look beautiful tonight.”

“Thank you.” She placed her palm on his cheek, running her thumb along his stubble. Her touch sent a charge through him. “You made them so happy.”

“They deserved it.” Tyler wanted to do something special for the people who helped shape the fabulous woman he had fallen in love with. “When you talk about them, I see the devotion in your eyes. I know how much they mean to you and how much you miss them.”

“I really do. They love Florida and they would have waited for me to finish school before moving there. I think that’s why they held onto the house in Brooklyn. They worry that they’ll have to come back, but they’re content where they are. It’s good for them to be there. They’ve made so many friends, and the retirement community they live in sponsors activities and weekly dinners. They’re having a blast.”

“They’re good people.”

“They sacrificed so much for me. My mother wasn’t an easy child and they tried hard to help her, but they couldn’t understand her addictions. She hurt them so much. It wasn’t her fault. She was in and out of rehab for years, but she couldn’t overcome it.”

“I’m sorry, baby. I know how hard that must have been for you.” He hated to think about her having to deal with a parent who was addicted to drugs. “You’re lucky you had your grandparents.”

“They were a gift.”

“I’m glad they could come today.”

“Only because you made it possible.”

“I think they were coming anyway. They felt bad about having to miss it. I made it easier for them to get here.”

“First class too. My grandmother is in love with you.”

“I think she’s awesome, and she promised to cook me a big Italian meal next time they come home, so we’re even.”