Chapter 2

Sammy practiced hercello, cleaned her flat, and studied for an exam all before noon. She couldn’t sleep the night before, but who could expect her to? She’d gone to that hotel to catch a glimpse of the Cannons. She’d succeeded too. Coda and Spencer were more stunning in person. Tyler was an unexpected surprise. She’d seen him in the tabloids with all of those models and beautiful actresses, but those papers didn’t do him justice either.

Every time she closed her eyes and tried to find sleep, images of his muscular physique flooded her mind. His dark hair and green eyes had dominated her thoughts all morning. She’d never been so close to a sexy, rich executive before. He’d been getting much more attention with the rag sheets since Spencer was no longer an eligible bachelor.

She’d been conflicted since leaving the night before. What would she have done if Spencer and Coda hadn’t interrupted their conversation? Tyler was about to ask her to his room. Could he have persuaded her to go? She’d been so wrapped up in her music and school work the last few years that her teens had gotten away from her. She worked hard to keep her scholarship, because without it she wouldn’t be able to finish her education.

Recently, she’d been offered several jobs as an accompanist for some local singers, and had even done some weddings. Her professors were confident if she stayed her course and focused, she’d have no problem finding work when she graduated the following year.

Now she found herself pacing her tiny one bedroom, waiting for Tyler to pick her up for a date. He’d texted her as he said he would. Then he called and they talked for over an hour. They finally decided to end the conversation and have dinner that evening.

He saidcasual, so she opted for a pair of faded blue jeans and a dark blue cami top. When she stepped out of her apartment and into the warm spring night, she realized her decision not to bring a sweater was a good one. As she locked her door, Tyler turned the corner. She watched as he came toward her. His dark jeans fit his toned legs just right. His black and gray button-down shirt suited his massive arms and biceps.

When she saw both Cannon brothers standing side by side last night, she noted how much they resembled one another. Tyler was a little taller and his hair was longer, but it was clear they both worked out on a daily basis. They were blessed with strong, attractive genes.

Her stomach tightened as a shiver overtook her when Tyler stopped and grinned. His teeth were so white and his lips...

“Hey,” he said. “You didn’t have to wait outside for me. I would have knocked.”

Of course he would have. He was probably raised to have impeccable manners. She’d never had a guy in her place before. The last time she’d been on an actual date was two years ago.

“I was ready, and it’s a beautiful night.” She walked down the front steps. “I decided to get some fresh air.” She’d hoped the air would help calm her nerves, but now that he stood in front of her, the anxiety increased.

“The night isn’t the only thing that’s beautiful.” He took her hand, leaning in to kiss her cheek. His stubble grazed her jaw, causing another nervous shiver. “You look hot,” he whispered into her ear.

“Thanks.” She looked him over. “You look good too.”

“I parked on the corner.” He led her down the street. “Are you always this shy?”

“I’m quiet, I guess. I’m awkward around strangers,” she admitted before she thought about how silly that sounded. He’d think she was a total goof.

“I’m not a stranger. You said you knew me.”

“I know of you.” She didn’t want him thinking she was a stalker, even if she did know more about his family than she initially admitted.

“What about our phone conversation today? I told you where I went to school, what I do at work, where I like to hang out, and that I love Italian food, especially when Coda’s mother makes it. You know a lot more about me than most girls.”

“You’re a charmer. That I know for sure.”

“Perhaps, but everything I told you is true. What else do you want to know?”

“There may be a few things.”

“Like?” He stopped and waited for her to answer.

“I don’t know.” That wasn’t true. She wanted to know everything about him. “Where do you and your brother get all of those muscles?”