“I love you too.” He kissed the corner of her mouth. “I figured it out on Monday night.”

“Monday night?”

“That was the first night I spent in my hotel room. When I closed my eyes, I was restless because I wouldn’t be able to see you for five more days.”

He recalled how quiet the room was and how big the bed seemed. He realized then that what he felt was more than missing her.

“That didn’t sit well with me. I thought about you. I focused on the color of your eyes and how wide they get when you’re experiencing something new. I inhaled and imagined your vanilla scented aroma on my flesh after we lie tangled in my sheets. I tried really hard not to think about your body though, your perky breasts and delicate curves, because five days was a long way off. I did manage to shift my concentration to your smile and the way you giggle when I say something silly. It’s the most beautiful sound.”

“You make me laugh a lot. It’s a good feeling.”

He’d do everything in his power to keep her smiling. “Do you know what happened that night in the hotel room?”


“As I drifted off to sleep, I knew I was totally and ridiculously in love with you. The idea of you, the thought of you, all of you. I was going to tell you at dinner tonight. That’s why I sent the dress and gave you a day at the spa. I wanted you to never forget the day I told you I love you.”

“I ruined your plans.”

“No, you made them more perfect than even I could have imagined. Being here with you right now, experiencing what we did together, only reinforces my revelation.”

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”

“We deserve one another, gorgeous. Don’t ever forget that.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and cuddled into his chest. The skin that was overheated from sex a few minutes ago was now cool and he noticed the goosebumps forming on her arms.

“Are you cold?”

“A little, but being close to you makes it all good.”

“How about I draw you a bath? I know how much you like my tub.”

“Will you be joining me?”

“You couldn’t keep me out.” He kissed the top of her head. “Let’s go.”

* * * *

TYLER STEPPED INTOthe hot, steamy water and extended his hand for Sammy. Once he sat down, he guided her between his legs. He rested against the porcelain tub as she settled into his chest. A perfect fit.

The tub was so big that even with the two of them in it, there was still enough room to move and stretch out. He had put the jets on low. Warm water swirled around them as the bubbles gently covered their skin. The scent of jasmine rose up, filling the bathroom with a light mist. The lights were dim and a few candles illuminated the area, creating a calming atmosphere.

“This is so relaxing,” she said as she rested her head on his chest. “I could fall asleep.”

“You’ve been busy.” He twirled the ends of her hair around his fingers, putting her into a deeper state of relaxation. “You’ve been studying so hard, working and rehearsing for weeks. I’m glad you’re going to get some time off soon. I want you to enjoy your summer.”

“I still have to work.” She was excited about going to Cannon Advertising full-time. She enjoyed being Jack’s assistant. He was teaching her about the advertising world. She hoped he would keep her on in some capacity once his assistant returned.

“If you don’t want to do full-time, you don’t have to. My grandfather can make do with a part-time assistant.”

“I want to,” she said. “I could use the money when school starts. I’m saving to visit my grandparents too.” She closed her eyes when he rubbed her neck. “I haven’t seen them since Christmas when they came home. I miss them.”

“When are you planning on a trip to Florida?” His skilled fingers dug deeper into her muscles. The pressure was what she needed to relieve the tension in her neck.

“I’d like to go before I have to go back to school in September, but airfare is expensive. With my rent and tuition, it’s hard to get down to see them.”

“When do you want to go? I’ll make the arrangements. How about after your recital?”