“I’m afraid it might be,” Spencer said.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Tyler asked.

“My brother is falling for her, my wife thinks she’s her new best friend, and Grandfather relies heavily on her. If she’s lying about something, that’s a problem for all of us.”

“Mind your business and let me live my life.” Tyler didn’t want to be harsh, but Spencer was out of line. “I’m not that out-of-control embarrassment I was a few years ago. I’ve more than proven that.”

“Hey, guys, stop it,” Coda intervened, trying to diffuse the situation. “We’re all under an enormous amount of pressure with this account.”

“Your husband is wrong,” Tyler said. “You know it too.”

“Spencer has good instincts, Tyler,” Coda said. “I don’t think Sammy is a threat to any of us. She’s a good girl and trying to find her way in this world. I can relate to her story. I’ve been where she is. Dating a rich and powerful man isn’t easy, especially when you don’t come from much.” She looked at Spencer. “If she’s nervous around you, it’s because you can be intimidating.”

“I’ve never done anything to upset her,” Spencer said. “I apologize for overstepping, Tyler. I know you like her. I’m happy for you. I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

“I appreciate that, but you’re not going to let this go that easily,” Tyler said. “In case you’re wondering, and I know you are, she filled out the required HR stuff before Grandfather brought her on board. She’s a good student and lives an independent life. She works hard to support herself. I thought you would admire that.”

“I do.” Spencer sighed. “I didn’t mean to upset you. Something seemed off to me earlier, but if you both think I’m wrong I’ll back off.”

“Thank you.” Tyler had no reason to believe anything was off about Sammy. They had shared so much with one another. She was sincere and caring. He’d never had this type of relationship before. Everything was new and different. “Coda’s right about Sammy. She’s not from our world. She’s comfortable with me and she likes Coda. She’s going to have to get used to you, so cut her a break.”

Spencer nodded.

“I need to get back to work,” Tyler said. “I hope this is over.”

“It is,” Coda assured him. “You guys are coming over for dinner tomorrow night. Spencer will try to be more human and not scare Sammy.”

“I’m not that bad,” Spencer said.

Both Coda and Tyler laughed, but Spencer failed to see the humor.

“Now that I’m aware I may intimidate Sammy, I’ll try harder to ease her nerves.”

“Thank you.” Tyler opened Coda’s door. “We need to meet with the art department in ten minutes,” he said as he walked out.

Spencer had Tyler’s best interest at heart. Tyler couldn’t blame his brother for that. Spencer had been looking out for Tyler his whole life, even more so after their dad died.

Tyler didn’t always like Spencer’s tough-love approach, but it had worked. Tyler got himself together after graduating college and was making something of his life. He didn’t want to be a trust-fund baby. He wanted to contribute to the growth and success of Cannon Advertising.

Spencer liked being in control, and sometimes he went a little further than he needed to when it came to Tyler’s life. Tyler was no longer that out-of-control kid who drank too much and partied too hard, and his brother was going to have to accept that.

Chapter 10

Sammy admired herselfin the full-length mirror that hung on the back of the bedroom door. Her new pale blue dress was spectacular. It was silky and fit as if it were made just for her. As she ran her fingers over the delicate beading, she glanced down at the strappy heels that matched the trim on the dress. The only other time she’d ever seen such an exquisite dress was when she’d borrowed one from Coda for the night of the gala. This one wasn’t a full-length dress, but it was just as spectacular. Now, thanks to Tyler, she had her own.