Crappy timing, Spencer.

“I told you he’d be out here.” Coda laughed. “He always manages to find the pretty girls.” His new sister-in-law smiled at Sammy. “Hi.”

Sammy slipped off the barstool and stared at the bride and groom almost as if she were seeing a celebrity couple. “Congratulations.” Her voice cracked. “Tyler, you should get back to the reception. I have to go.”

What’s the rush?

“What are you two doing out here? Security will freak.” Tyler looked around the lobby. “Are you trying to create a press frenzy?”

“Most of the press has gone,” Coda said. “Who cares what they snap now? We promised them pictures anyway. I didn’t want them bothering us during the ceremony.”

“Who is your friend?” Spencer asked.

“This is Sammy.” He stood from the stool, placed his hand on her back, and guided her forward. Her body tensed against his touch, but he didn’t get why she was so nervous. “Sammy, this is Spencer and Coda Cannon.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Sammy stared at Coda for a few seconds before acknowledging Spencer. “You two look awesome.”

“Thank you,” Coda said. “You’re from Brooklyn.”

“Umm, yeah, we’ve never met though,” Sammy said. “At least I don’t think we have.”

“Nah, I can tell by your accent.” Coda smiled. “Do you know Tyler?”

“We just met.” She shifted her feet.

“I tried to get her to come into the reception with me, but she doesn’t want to intrude.” Tyler ran his hand along her spine, trying to relax her. “Maybe if the bride asks her?”

“You wouldn’t be intruding,” Coda said. “Besides, Tyler’s going to need someone to dance with. The music’s starting to kick up.”

“Thank you, but I can’t.” Sammy turned to Tyler. “I have to get going. Thanks for the drink.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow.” Tyler wasn’t ready for her to leave, but he had to get back to the reception. “Probably sometime in the late afternoon.”

“Okay.” She retrieved her bag from the stool. “Congratulations again,” she said to Coda and Spencer. “Have fun on your honeymoon.”

“Thank you,” Spencer said as Sammy hurried out of the lobby.

“She was in a rush to get out of here,” Coda said. “What did you do to her?”

“What was that all about?” Spencer asked.

“I don’t know,” Tyler said. “I just met her, but she’s shy.”

“She’s cute,” Coda said. “I can’t believe you weren’t more persuasive in getting her to stay.”

“Especially since you have a room upstairs,” Spencer said. “Losing your touch?”

“You interrupted me.” Tyler picked his phone up off the bar and shoved it in his pocket. “She’s not the type of girl who would have spent the night with me anyway.”

“She’s too smart.” Coda laughed as she wrapped her arms around Spencer’s waist. “She’s probably a keeper.”

“There’s something different about her.” Tyler couldn’t get that innocent smile out of his head. “I’m not sure what it is yet, but I’d like to find out.”

“Do you think you can put that off until we get back from our honeymoon?” Spencer asked. “You don’t need any distractions over the next few weeks. You have enough to do.”

“Don’t worry.” Tyler took Coda’s hand and led her back to the reception. “You enjoy Italy with your beautiful bride and I’ll take care of the agency.”And find out all about my Brooklyn girl.