Chapter 9

As Sammy placed thefile on Coda’s desk, she noticed the frames scattered on either side of the computer. There were various shots of Coda and Spencer before the wedding, at the wedding, and some poses of the two of them in Italy. There was one with a woman who she assumed was Coda’s mother. They resembled one another. Each picture was more beautiful than the next. Coda’s vibrant smile stood out in every one of them.

One shot stood out as she studied each of them. It was an older photo, not as crisp as the others. It was of a family of three—a mom, dad, and a little girl. She picked up the frame and studied it. The little girl looked the same as the beautiful woman she had turned into. It didn’t take Sammy long to figure out who the family was. Coda was all smiles in her dad’s arms.

“Can I help you with something?” The deep voice startled Sammy enough to make her drop the frame onto the desk.

“Spencer.” She quickly picked up the photo and put it back in its place. “I was dropping off a file from Jack.”

He glanced down at the pictures before returning his attention to her. The intensity in his expression frightened her. She sensed he didn’t trust her. She’d seen the determination in his eyes at the gala. His curiosity had been piqued when he had asked her questions about the night of his wedding. She wanted to forget her past and her suspicions over her mother’s actions. Now that she’d found Tyler, she wanted to focus on the future and make her own life, free from her mother’s mistakes and lies. She feared Spencer could ruin everything for her.

“I need to get back to work,” she said. “Have a good day.”

“Is Samantha your full name?”

“Umm, no, just Sammy.”

“Were you named for someone?”

Why did he want to know that? “My dad,” she said.

“Sam Falcone?”

“Falcone is my mother’s last name. She didn’t give me my father’s last name. He died before I was born. I never met him.”

“Interesting.” His tone was smooth, and just like in the board meetings she had sat in on with Jack, Spencer gave nothing away. Tyler had said the reason his brother was so good at his job was because every move was calculated. He always gave the client what they wanted, but never at the expense of the agency.

What are you thinking?

“Don’t let me keep you.” He stepped out of her way. “I’m sure the old man is wondering where you are.”

She let out the breath she’d been holding and tried to relax as she smiled at him on her way out. She had done nothing wrong, but there was something in his eyes that made her feel otherwise.

“Hey.” Coda came into the room and smiled at her husband. “Party in my office?”

“I left you a file.” Sammy glanced at the desk, trying to settle her unhinged nerves.

“Are we still on for tomorrow?” Coda asked.

“What’s tomorrow?” Spencer looked at Coda.

“Sammy and I are going to the spa while you and Tyler are at your martial arts competition. Remember?”

“Sorry,” he said. “Yes, I remember now. Sounds like fun.”

“A whole afternoon of girl time, and then Sammy and Tyler are coming over for dinner and a movie.”

“I can’t wait.” Sammy had been looking forward to spending the day with Coda, getting to know her better. She wanted to get to know Spencer too, despite her mixed feelings for him. They were Tyler’s family, and she wanted to get close to them.

“I’ll catch up with you before you leave,” Coda said. “Have a good afternoon.”

“You too.” Sammy quickly made her way out of the office and down the hallway. She didn’t stop until she got back to her desk, taking a seat and sipping from her water bottle. Every time she thought she was doing something wrong, she thought back to Tyler’s words.

I don’t want you to over think whatever this is. I want you to go with it. Put any doubts out of your head. Forget about what you think I deserve. What you think you can’t be.

This was about the two of them. Whatever she thought she had discovered in her mother’s past before meeting him no longer mattered. This was about her life now, and she was finally happy to be living it.