“Did you?”

“Security is a lot tighter than I thought it would be.” She shrugged. “I guess I should have figured that, but since I was here I thought I’d give it a shot. The old women in my neighborhood are dying to know all about it.”

“I can get you in. I know the groom.” He winked. “And the bride really well.”

“Oh, no. I’m not here to intrude. I’m going to finish my drink and head home.”

“Do you live in the city?”

“Yeah, not far from here.”

“Where do you go to school?” He wanted to keep her there a little longer. She wasn’t like the women he associated with. There was nothing flashy about her. She wasn’t dressed for a Saturday night of clubbing in Manhattan either. He found her shyness refreshing.

“I go to the Brooklyn College Conservatory.” She fidgeted with her hands. “I play the cello.”

“Impressive.” He placed his hand on top of hers in an attempt to get her to relax. “Do I make you nervous?”

“A little.” She slipped her bottom lip between her teeth and he couldn’t help but focus on how kissable those lips were. She had a tiny mole below the left corner of her mouth.

Sexy.“Why?” he asked.

“I’ve never sat at a bar and talked to a guy before. It’s silly.”

“It’s cute.” He knew when he sat down, she was out of place. Any thoughts of inviting her up to his room at the end of the night should have been so far out of his head, but she was awfully hot.

She smiled at him, but he still detected the nerves that overpowered her.

“What’s your last name, Sammy?”


“Samantha Falcone.”

“No, just Sammy.”

“Really?” He finished his beer and flagged the bartender for another. “You can close me out after this.” He slipped his black credit card across the bar. “I’ll take care of the lady’s too.”

“You don’t have to do that.” She reached for her bag. “I can get mine.”

“Don’t be absurd.” He took her hand to stop her, but didn’t let go. “About your name?”

“My mother liked it.” She looked down at their joined hands, but she didn’t pull away. “Thanks for the drink.”

“Will you let me take you to dinner this week?” He had to get back to the wedding, but he didn’t want to let her leave without setting something up. “I’d like to get to know you a little better.”

“I guess.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell. “Here.” He set up a new contact. “Put your number in.”

“Okay.” She took his phone and keyed in her number. “I’m texting myself from your phone so I’ll have yours too.”

“Good.” He downed his beer. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”


“You’re sure you don’t want to stay? They’ll be dancing in there tonight. I have a suite upstairs if—”

“There you are,” Spencer interrupted as he approached the bar with Coda by his side.