“We’re not that late,” Tyler said. “Besides, they always make us stand around in the lobby waiting for them to open the ballroom doors at these functions.”

“That’s how they get us to write all of those big checks at the auctions.” Spencer motioned to a large area set up with baskets. Tyler had explained to Sammy that Cannon Advertising was holding a silent auction for a local charity.

“Hi,” Sammy said to them.

“You look spectacular.” Coda kissed her cheek. “I knew you would.”

“Thanks to you, but your dress is incredible. It’s like something you see on TV at those award shows.”

“Spencer’s friend, Kendal, owns a fantastic boutique here in the city. I’ll take you there for the next function. We’ll have Tyler buy you a dress of your own.” She smirked at her brother-in-law.

“Tyler,” his mother said. “Don’t be rude. Introduce me to your friend.”

“I was getting to that.” Tyler guided Sammy to stand in front of him. “Mom, this is Sammy Falcone. Sammy, this is my mother.”

“Hello, Sammy. It’s wonderful to meet you,” Mrs. Cannon said.

“Hi, Mrs. Cannon.”

“Oh, no, sweetie, Mrs. Cannon makes me sound old, doesn’t it? Call me Jenna.” She pulled Sammy into an unexpected hug. “I’m so happy Tyler brought a date, and a stunning one at that. You’re adorable.”

“Thank you.” Sammy looked around the massive area. The foyer was decorated with soft colors, and roses were everywhere. There had to be at least five hundred roses. “This place is something.”

“Did you survive the vultures outside?” Jenna asked. “They never leave us alone, especially when we’re doing something special.”

“I’ve never experienced anything like that before,” Sammy said.

“You’ll get used to it.” Coda laughed. “I thought it was a total rush the first two times, but now it’s old.”

“Oh my God, I told Tyler the same thing. It was invigorating.”

“Stick with me and you’ll be bombarded often,” Tyler said. “It’s a curse, really.”

“Are you related to our Coda?” Jenna asked as she studied Sammy’s face. “It’s uncanny.”

“What is?” Sammy suddenly felt under observation.

“It’s her Brooklyn accent.” Coda giggled. “And the way she talks with her hands. We all do it in Brooklyn.”

“Seriously, Mom,” Tyler said. “Just because they’re both from Brooklyn doesn’t mean they’re related.”

“Is it me?” Jenna asked. “Look at their eyes and skin coloring. Their hair even has the same caramel highlights running through it.”

Spencer moved in closer, staring more intently at Sammy, making her feel unnerved in his presence. Sammy smiled at him, hoping he’d back off.

“From behind, in that dress,” Jenna continued, “I would have thought you were Dakota.”

“Coda was kind enough to lend me the dress. That’s probably why I remind you of her.” Sammy suppressed the urge to fidget with her hands.Please drop this.

“We do resemble one another,” Coda said.

“Do we?” Sammy asked. “I hadn’t noticed, but it’s a huge compliment to be compared to Coda.”

“It’s the Italian features,” Coda said. “Dark hair and eyes, same skin tone. Our families probably originated from the same area in Italy. I’m Sicilian, what about you?”

“I don’t know.” Sammy shook her head. “I never asked my grandparents about that.”

“I happen to think you’re both incredibly gorgeous in your own unique way.” Tyler placed his hand on the small of Sammy’s back. “That settles that.”