“No pressure.” He kissed her soft and slow. “We’ll see what tomorrow night brings.”

I know what it will bring!

Chapter 6

Sammy clung to Tyler’shand as they stepped out of the sleek, black limousine. He warned her that the cameras would flash nonstop as they entered the gala.

“Stay close to me,” he whispered into her ear. “You’re fine.”

With the bursts of lights came a barrage of questions in their direction.

“Now that Spencer is married, that makes you the most appealing Cannon. How’s that feel?”

“Tyler, who’s your friend?”

“Tyler, what’s it like being the only eligible bachelor in the Cannon clan now?”

When they got to the entrance, he placed his hand on the small of her back and turned, shooting the press his most stunning smile. “Who says I’m eligible?” he answered them as he ushered her into the reception.

“What’s her name?” someone shouted as they hurried into the building.

“Wow.” She giggled. “You weren’t kidding when you said that would be nuts.” An amazing rush filled her as they walked through the lobby. “I feel like a celebrity.”

“You may have to get used to it. The local press and society pages took a bigger interest in me once Spencer came off the market. I was usually the Cannon known for frequenting the clubs and after hour parties, but since I don’t do that anymore they need a new angle. Now, I’m some advertising heir who needs a wife.”

“Which title do you like better?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He squeezed her hand. “I’ll keep you guessing.”

“Tyler,” a vibrant woman called from across the foyer. “Over here.”

“Mother.” He smiled as she came closer to them.

“That’s your mom?” Sammy watched as the gorgeous woman with the petite frame and long, flowing copper hair came over. “She’s beautiful.”

“She’s going to love you.” He led Sammy toward his mother. “If you thought the paparazzi was overwhelming, wait until you get a load of Jenna Cannon.”

“There you are.” His mother leaned in and gave him a kiss. “Your brother was getting worried, but I told him you like to make an entrance.”

Spencer and Coda joined them, looking as if they had stepped off the runway. Spencer wore a black tux, and Sammy couldn’t get over how much Tyler resembled his older brother. They could be twins.

While Spencer was something to look at, Coda stole the show. She reminded Sammy of a movie star working the red carpet in her sheer white gown, spotted with beads. Her flawless skin held a bronze glow from the time she’d spent on the beach during her honeymoon, accentuating her dark brown eyes and shiny, sleek hair. Her arms were toned, but not excessively muscular. Sammy couldn’t find one visible imperfection. From Coda’s makeup and jewelry all the way down to her open-toed silver heels, the woman screamed eloquence and sophistication. Sammy wondered if she could ever strive to be half the woman Coda appeared to be.

“Glad you made it,” Spencer said.