She recalled the way Spencer gazed into Coda’s eyes the night of their wedding and the way she had seen him subtly touch her in the office. It wasn’t overkill. He would tuck her hair behind her ear when they talked in the hall or he’d play with the bracelet on her wrist as he listened to her go over the details of a campaign. Sammy had sat in on a few meetings over the past week, taking notes, and she always left thinking how much in love the newlyweds were. Their mood was contagious.

“I’m sorry,” Sammy said. “That sounded kind of weird.”

“I could say the same thing about the way Tyler looks at you.”

“You think?”

“I know.” Coda nodded. “He’s finally settling down, and it suits him. So, tell me what the problem is. Maybe I can help.”

“I don’t have anything to wear to this gala thing.” She put her head down, feeling silly to have to admit that to her. “You must think I’m completely worthless.”

“You’re worthless because you’re a college student, living on your own in New York City, and you don’t own anything expensive to attend some crazy, lavish function in the name of charity?”

“Well, when you put it that way...”

“Remind me to tell you the story of how I met Spencer sometime.” Coda leaned against the sink. “I was cleaning the office and on the brink of getting evicted. He provided my wardrobe for the first weekend we spent together.”

“When you went to his cousin’s wedding.”

“You read the tabloids?”

“We come from the same neighborhood, so you’re a topic of conversation.”

“After Friday night, you’ll be the topic of conversation if the photographers don’t have anything better to do.”

“I have to tell Tyler I can’t go.”

“You’re going.” Coda pulled her cellphone out and glanced at the time. “It’s after five. Come on.”


“This is not the first gala I’ve attended.” She opened the door. “I have a closet full of dresses, and you look about my size. I’ll lend you one.”

“I can’t let you do that.”

“Sure you can.” She took her hand and led her out of the bathroom. “Think of me as your fairy godmother.”


“You know, like Cinderella?”

“Yeah, I know, it’s my favorite fairytale.”

“Mine too.”

Sammy wondered how much more she had in common with Coda Cannon.

“Perfect.” Coda giggled as she guided Sammy down the hall. “I have to grab my stuff and tell Spencer I’m leaving. I’ll meet you in the lobby in five minutes.”

“Okay, I guess.”

“Don’t worry,” Coda said as she headed toward her office. “You’re going to be fine.”

“Coda,” Sammy called after her.


“Thank you.”