“Hi,” Sammy spoke barely above a whisper before clearing her throat. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“You’ve met?” their grandfather asked.

“I met Sammy at Spencer and Coda’s wedding. She was in the lobby,” Tyler offered. “The bride and groom came out to join us.”

“This is a surprise,” Coda said. “How do you like Cannon and Carrington?”

“I like it.” Sammy smiled at Tyler. “Jack is great.”

“Nonsense, it’s all you,” the older Cannon said. “You should see what this girl can do with a computer. It’s all foreign to me, but I’ve never been more organized.”

“You got Jack to use a computer?” Coda asked. “That’s inspiring.”

“It hasn’t been easy.” Sammy laughed, and Tyler liked the way it sounded. “He fights me all the way.”

“I’m an old dog,” their grandfather said. “I need to get back to work. We all do. Spencer, have your bride follow me.”

“Agreed,” Spencer said. “Grandfather has something to show you, Coda.”

“Really? What?” She took Spencer’s hand. “A surprise?”

“A big surprise.” Spencer kissed her cheek. “Tyler, we’ll catch up later. It was good to see you again, Sammy.”

“Thank you,” Sammy said as they walked down the hall. “I guess Coda’s going to see her new digs.”

“Yeah, Grandfather can’t wait to show her.” Tyler motioned toward his office. “He’ll be busy for a few minutes. Come with me.”

He walked in and shut the door behind them. “First, I have to do this.” He pressed into her, pinning her against the door. Taking her face between his hands, he tilted her chin as he lowered his lips. He wanted to deepen the connection, but that would be dangerous. They were in the middle of the workday, not the best time to heat things up. All he could steal was a quick kiss before releasing her.

“No one’s ever kissed me the way you do.”

“I’ve been thinking about doing that ever since I dropped you off Saturday night.”

They had gone into the city to have dinner and see another show. He didn’t go inside her apartment, because the goodbye kissing had gotten intense and he couldn’t trust himself to be alone with her. She had no idea what her confession of innocence had done to him. The prospect of being her first dominated most of his thoughts, but he had to respect her. She’d waited for the right guy, and he wanted to prove that he could be that guy.

“I missed you yesterday,” she said.

She had to play an afternoon garden party and then study for an exam. Tyler had her out both Friday and Saturday nights, so he wanted to give her the space to do the things she needed to do.

“Are you available next weekend?” He ran his thumb along her bottom lip. “I have a gala to attend. I’d like for you to accompany me.”

“A gala?” She crinkled her adorable little nose. “Like a ball?”

“I’m sure you’re aware that the agency is changing its name next month. We’re holding a reception. We’re also sponsoring an auction for charity that night. It’s going to be a big deal.”

“That sounds fancy.” She fidgeted with her hands.

“It’s a black tie function.” He tilted her chin so she had to look at him. “Do you want to go with me?”

She nodded.

“Are you sure?” he asked. She wasn’t doing a very good job of convincing him. She seemed conflicted.

“Yes, I’m sorry.” She took a deep breath. “It sounds like fun. I don’t have any plans the whole weekend.”

“Good.” He brushed his lips along hers. “Maybe I’ll steal you away.”

“I better get back to work.”