The bartender settled their drink tab and signaled to the hostess that they were ready for a table.

“Come on.” He stood and extended his hand to her. “Let’s go sit at a table.”

“Can I bring my drink?” She took his hand. “I want to finish it.”

“Of course.” He picked the glass up from the bar. “You can have whatever you want.”

“I want you.”

“I’m all yours, baby.”

* * * *

THE OFFICE WAS BUZZINGwith energy on Monday afternoon. Spencer and Coda had returned from Italy the day before and were expected to make an appearance. Tyler was shocked that his brother wasn’t already seated at his desk and barking orders. Tyler was certain he had Coda to thank for that.

In two weeks, Tyler’s life had taken a drastic turn. When he met Sammy at the wedding, he never expected to be so taken by her. He wasn’t an exclusive kind of guy, but he had no interest in seeing anyone else. There was something different about her. Aside from her innocence, there was a spark and a drive he seemed to be drawn to. She’d managed to charm his grandfather in a short amount of time. In a strange way, she reminded him of Coda. They had a way with the Cannon men.

“There you are.” His grandfather’s voice boomed through the hallway. “It’s about time.”

“I told you I’d be in this afternoon,” Spencer said. “I wanted to catch up on emails at home before I came in to see what was going on here.”

Tyler made his way out to greet them. Now that his brother was back, he hoped some of the pressure he had experienced when dealing with the clients would be lifted. While Spencer was in Italy, Tyler came to the realization that he liked running things from the inside. He appreciated his brother’s negotiation skills and his gift to get the campaign done no matter what now more than ever.

“Don’t let him fool you, Jack.” Coda hugged his grandfather. “He managed quite a bit of work on our honeymoon. I doubt there were many emails to answer when he got home.”

“Didn’t trust me?” Tyler asked. He hugged Coda. “Welcome back, but did you have to bring him home with you?”

“Funny.” Spencer rolled his eyes. “I can’t wait to see how you’ve managed to screw things up around here.”

“You’ll be surprised, Spencer. The boy has done a tremendous job in your absence. You should be worried about your job.”

“I don’t want his job,” Tyler said.

“I was joking.” Spencer slapped his brother’s back. “I’ve read everything you copied me on, and you did do a fantastic job.”

“I told you I would. I’ve been paying attention.”

“Sometimes I wondered.” Spencer smirked as he placed his arm around Coda’s waist. “We had a wonderful time in Italy. Thank you for holding things down while we were away.”

“He did more than that,” their grandfather said. “He even found me a new assistant.”

“You did?” Coda asked. “What happened to Angela?”

“She had a family emergency,” Tyler said. “She’s fine and here in the mornings until the summer.”

“You had time to interview assistants for Grandfather?” Spencer asked. “That’s impressive.”

“Not exactly.” Tyler shrugged. “An opportunity presented itself.”

“Am I going to like this?” Spencer sighed.

“Here she is right now,” their grandfather said. “Sammy, come here and meet Spencer and Coda Cannon.”

“Sammy?” Coda said. “Isn’t that the girl from the hotel?”

“Yeah.” Tyler smiled at Sammy when she made her way over to them. She wore a pale yellow dress that complimented her delicate curves. He glanced down at her never-ending legs, but was interrupted when Spencer spoke.

“This is unexpected.” Spencer looked at Tyler.