She stepped around and picked up the call, politely answering, “Cannon and Carrington Advertising, how may I help you?” She had no idea how she was going to direct the call, but she could at least take a message.

“May I speak to Spencer Cannon?” the caller asked.

“He’s not in the office this week, but if you’d like to leave a message, I’ll make sure his assistant receives it.”

“This is Bob Haller. I have a question about my campaign. I need for someone in Mr. Cannon’s office to call me immediately.”

“Certainly, Mr. Haller.” She jotted down his information. “I’ll make sure your message is received.”

“Thank you.”

“Have a pleasant day.” As she hung up the phone, she heard a voice from behind her.

“Good, you’re here.”

She turned to find an older gentleman, dressed in a dark suit, staring at her. He looked to be in his seventies, but he was in impeccable shape. He was tall, lean, and not a hair was out of place. His green eyes were the same shade as Tyler’s. She could see the family resemblance.

“The temp agency was fast today.” He smiled as she came out from behind the desk. “You’ll be assisting me. I have to get the receptionist back here before we have total chaos.”

“No, sir, I’m not—”

“My office is down there.” He nodded toward the long hallway. “Follow me.”

“There’s been a misunderstanding. I’m here to see Tyler.”

“Tyler?” He stopped walking, turning to face her.

“Yes?” Tyler hurried down the busy staircase. “Do you need me?”

“Hi,” Sammy said as he approached them.

He looked different from the night before. Much more mature, dressed in a gray suit, shiny black shoes, and a charcoal tie with thin silver stripes. His messy, styled hair was tamer now and more suited for the office.

“Hey, is it lunchtime already?” He glanced at his silver watch. “The morning got away from me.”

“She’s here for you?” the older man asked.

“Yes. Grandfather, this is Sammy Falcone,” Tyler said. “Sammy, this is my grandfather, Jack Cannon.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cannon. Tyler’s told me much about you.” She handed him the piece of paper with the message she had taken. “Mr. Haller needs to speak to someone regarding his campaign.”

“Thank you.” Mr. Cannon took the note from her. “He knows Spencer is on his honeymoon. Hell, he was at the wedding.”

“You took a message?” Tyler asked as another woman came around and took her spot behind the desk.

“I thought the temp agency sent her.” Mr. Cannon looked at the receptionist and said, “Thanks, Jess. You were a big help this morning.”

“Anytime, Mr. Cannon.”

“What’s going on?” Tyler asked. “I’ve only been in the art department for an hour.”

“Angela’s daughter has been put on bed rest for the duration of her pregnancy. She’ll need to take a leave of absence to care for her other grandchildren. That leaves me without an assistant. I borrowed Jess for a few minutes.”

“You left the front desk unattended?” Tyler didn’t look pleased with his grandfather.

“I thought we had the calls forwarded to Angela’s line so Jess could answer them back there. Perhaps there was a glitch or something, because your friend here jumped into action and answered the phone.”

“It wasn’t a big deal,” Sammy said. “A client for Spencer.”