Chapter 1

Tyler Cannon watchedas his older brother, Spencer, fidgeted with his watch. Tyler was amused to witness the fearless CEO of one of the country’s top advertising agencies lose his well maintained composure and notorious control.

“I bet you Coda isn’t this nervous,” Tyler teased. “Your bride-to-be is probably giggling with Grandfather as we speak.”

“I’m sure she is.” Spencer bent down and looked under the dresser for his dropped cufflink. “I’m not nervous. I want this day to be perfect for her.”

“You have spared no expense for today. You’ve given her everything she could possibly dream of.” Tyler picked up the cufflink from the corner of the room and handed it to his brother. “The crazy thing is Coda doesn’t care about all of this pomp and circumstance bullshit. She wants to marry you.”

“I’m one lucky son-of-a-bitch.” Spencer smirked as he pulled on his tuxedo jacket. “I can’t wait to say I do.”

Tyler was happy for Spencer. He’d found his true love and they were about to embark on the rest of their lives in a few minutes. At twenty-seven, Tyler hadn’t met the “one”. He’d never been interested in settling down with just one woman. Serious relationships hadn’t appealed to him until recently. Now that his brother had found his other half, Tyler had become intrigued by the idea. After watching a few of his college buddies get married and have kids, he started to wonder if he’d ever find that girl. Did she exist?

“Coda has changed my life,” Spencer said about his beautiful bride.

When Spencer brought the sassy Brooklyn waitress to an elaborate family wedding the year before, no one believed she would be his other half. She wasn’t anything like the Cannons, but Coda had won them all over in a matter of days. Especially Jack, their grandfather. He was taken by Coda’s drive, initiative, and fierce loyalty to Spencer. She had a way with Cannon men. Even Tyler could admit to having a little crush on her.

“She’s special to all of us. Look at how she’s softened Grandfather. He practically melted when she asked him to give her away today.”

“She adores the old man and it’s mutual,” Spencer said. “When we get back from our honeymoon, he’s going to surprise her with a corner office and give her some big accounts to help design.”

“Isn’t that supposed to be the CEO’s decision?” Tyler laughed, because even though Spencer was in charge, their grandfather never fully retired.

“You would think, but you know he still thinks he runs the place.”

“Coda’s come a long way as a graphic designer this past year.”

Tyler headed up most of the accounts at the agency and had worked with Coda on several campaigns. She ran circles around some of the veteran designers. According to their grandfather, she was going to take the agency into the future. With Spencer’s drive and determination, there was no way the family business could fail.

“She’s ready for some new accounts. You both have a lot to look forward to.” Tyler pulled on his jacket. “I’m happy for you.” He patted his brother’s back. “Let’s go get you hitched.”

“Thanks.” Spencer extended his hand. “I wouldn’t want to do this today with anyone other than you standing by my side.”

“I’m glad to do it, bro.” Tyler took Spencer’s hand as his brother pulled him into a quick hug. “I knew she was meant for you the moment I saw her.”

* * * *

SAMMY FALCONE LOOKEDat the wedding announcement in the newspaper one last time before tucking it into her bag. She admired the picture of Spencer Cannon and his future bride, Dakota Vercelli. They were absolutely stunning. A fairytale couple.

According to the tabloids, Spencer had swept the Brooklyn waitress off her feet when he had asked her to accompany him to his cousin’s wedding the year before. Sammy had followed their love story ever since she’d recognized Coda as someone from the neighborhood. The beautiful bride was a few years older than Sammy, but everyone in the small community knew who she was after the press got a hold of her story. Once Sammy realized who Coda was, she couldn’t help herself. She wanted to see the new Mr. and Mrs. Cannon.

She casually walked into the lobby of the hotel where the reception was being held. The ceremony had taken place earlier in the day at an undisclosed location, but the venue for the reception had been leaked a week ago. The press swarmed the front of the building, but they weren’t allowed inside. Spencer and Coda had promised to make an appearance at some point in the evening, but that had yet to happen.

Sammy looked around the classy hotel. It was bigger than she had expected. As with any New York hotel, people were bustling in and out of the rotating doors with bags and luggage. As far as she could tell, no reception was being held there. For all she knew, the couple could have given the wrong place or changed the location in an attempt for privacy. She hadn’t really expected to see them. It was a long shot. One she had hoped would pan out.

She glanced at the bar, which seemed quiet for such a busy hotel. She wasn’t a big drinker, but figured that was the best place to hang out without looking too awkward. Since turning twenty-one, she’d never even ordered a drink at a bar. As she walked to the lounge and took a seat in the corner, she saw a grand staircase that led to a spacious landing which overlooked the entire lobby. Two large men with earpieces were blocking the bottom, preventing anyone from gaining access.

“What can I get you?” The bartender placed a beverage napkin in front of her.

“A glass of white wine, please.” She smiled at him, hoping he didn’t ask what kind of wine, because she had no idea.

“Can I see your ID?”

“Sure.” She reached into her bag and pulled out her wallet, flipping it open and showing him her license. “Why are those guys standing by the stairs?”

“Private function upstairs.” He poured her a glass of wine. “They’ve shut the whole place down except the lobby.”

“Is it the Cannon wedding?” she asked.