“Maverick.” She started, also not using paper to portray her feelings to me. “From the little boy that protected me on the playground in elementary school, to the jock that would still hold my hand around his friends regardless of the hackling he got from them as he did it. To now, the honorable man standing in front of me promising me every single thing I could ever dream of; it has always been you. I’ve envisioned this day, regularly over the course of my life and the only thing that has managed to stay the same as my dreams changed, was that the man standing here with me, was you.” She shook her head slowly as I tightened my hands around hers. “It will always be you.” My nose burned as tears of my own fought against the iron mask I wore most days.
“I have lived with you and regrettably, without you. And I know as well as I know the deepest darkest part of my soul, that I am nothing without you. My very purpose in life is to be the partner and wife that you deserve, so here and now, my vow to you is that I will never leave. You will never fear loneliness like you’ve known before, because this is it baby.” She smiled through her tears and tilted her head to the side, “You’re stuck with me. From now until forever. I love you Maverick Benjamin Jones, with my entire being.”
I stepped forward, canceling what little space was between us to begin with and slid a hand around the back of her neck and the other around her hip to land on the small of her back. Her eyes widened in surprise before they fluttered closed as I laid my lips against hers, feeling her smile melt as unapologetic emotion and love took its place.
The officiant cleared his throat and our family and friends laughed and cheered as I jumped the gun and threw tradition to the wind, kissing my wife for the first time without waiting for anyone to tell me that I could.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife, Maverick, you may continue to kiss your bride.” The man said behind us as I did exactly that. I kissed Cora, dipping her back romantically until neither of us could breathe and finally pulled back, only far enough to press my forehead against hers and breathe her in.
"Hi, husband." Cora whispered whimsically with a peaceful smile on her face.
“Hi, wife.” I responded, “God, what I plan to do to you as my wife.” She laughed and leaned into me as we finally pulled back to look at our family, before walking back down the aisle hand in hand and stopping on the deck of our home to grab a flute of champagne from the coordinator and waiting for everyone else for our first toast as husband and wife.
We spent the rest of the evening dancing with our friends and my parents and enjoying the wedded bliss we both so longed for until I noticed the aching longing in Cora’s eyes when she looked up at me.
She looked over at me across the expansive deck under the string lights above us as she stood next to my mother and listed to something she said. But her eyes never left mine, and I could read her like a well-loved book as she beckoned me with those pretty blue irises.
I turned to Reid, who stood next to me where we watched Dexter twirl Nat around the dancefloor expertly and held my hand out for him to shake. He eyed me for a moment before a knowing grin spread across his pretty boy face.
“So that’s it huh? Kicking us all out?” He joked, shaking my hand and pulling me into a one-handed hug, slapping my back and sighing as he held on. “Congratulations Maverick. There’s not a better man out there to deserve a woman like Cora. She’s incredible, and I’m very happy for you.” He said.
I pulled back, keeping ahold of his hand, and laying one on his shoulder as I looked him in the eyes. “I think that’s the most emotional and romantic thing you’ve ever said before.” I joked, to which he scoffed and pulled away.
“That’s because you’re not a woman I’m trying to seduce.” He took a long drink of his bourbon and winked, but the damage had been done.
I’d seen a bit of longing in his eyes as he said those things to me. Maybe Reid was seeing that marriage to a woman like Cora wouldn’t have to be an end to anything like he usually related marriage to.
An end to fun.
An end to privacy.
An end to independence.
“You just have to meet the right woman Reid.” I said seriously, waiting for him to look me in the eye. “Then you can find this kind of happiness with it.” He didn’t reply, but just nodded his head and pulled away as Nat and Dexter came up to us. Nat was twirling in her dress, a good buzz evident in her smile as she pulled me into a warm hug. I hugged her back as Reid left to go hug Cora, signaling to my parents that the reception was over. Nat followed after him and I stood side by side with Dexter.
Quiet and pensive Dexter.
Although, tonight, there had been a bit less scowl on his face and more brief unguarded smiles. But right now there was that wise look on his face that only someone that had done this before could have. “Take care of her and your marriage above everything else.” He said, looking at me from the corner of his eye. “Don’t let small things fester or become more than they are.” He continued as I turned to face him and give him my full attention. “And for the love of God, knock her up before she smartens up and realizes that she is the one who married down, not you.”
I laughed out loud, gaining the attention of our small party as I shook Dexter’s hand, pulling him into a hug as well. “Thank you for being by my side today.” I said honestly.
He shrugged his shoulders, fixing his sleeve as he refused to meet my eyes. “I couldn’t let Reid have all the fun.” He nodded to Cora as she walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my middle as I put my arm around her and kissed the top of her head. “Take care of him for us will you?” He asked her and pulled her from my arms as she willingly went into his and hugged him tightly. He took a deep breath as she held onto him, and I knew what he was feeling in that moment, because Cora gave the best hugs.
He was feeling like the most important person in the world and feeling valued.
Which was something he’d lacked for years now. Thanks to that poor excuse of a wife that he still allowed to tear him down.
“We’ll see you next week Dex. Don’t forget to have your mess cleaned off the conference table before I get in there this time. Or I’m dumping it all in the trash.” She said, winking at him in jest as he looked over her head to me.
“Don’t you worry darling; your desk will be fresh and clean when you get there.” He teased, he was in on the plans for her office renovation but luckily she didn’t look too deep into his joke as he pulled away and took off with Reid and Nat in tow, headed back to the city to leave us alone in peace in our home for our honeymoon.
My parents walked up as Cora tucked herself back into my side. And they mirrored our stance still very much in love even after a marriage of thirty years.
“Thank you both so much for your help pulling this off in a week.” Cora said sweetly.
“It was an honor to be a part of tonight dear.” My dad said, patting her on the shoulder before reaching over to shake my hand. “We’re both so happy for you two.”
“Thanks Dad, we appreciate everything you’ve done for us over the years.” I said affectionately, leaning down to kiss my mom on the cheek without letting go of Cora.