My black heels were sky high and honestly the most uncomfortable thing in the world, but I wore them anyway and I had to admit, with the outfit, they were perfect.

My shoulder length blonde hair had flattened a bit over the day, but it still looked cute with some beach waves left in it. I reapplied my nude lip stick and spritzed a puff of the perfume I’d had since I was in high school on my neck and wrists. I only allowed myself to use this perfume for special occasions, and over the last ten years, I could count those special occasions on one hand. So I reveled in using it now.

The single bottle I had managed to grab when I packed a small bag and left my parents’ house as they kicked me out had cost over four hundred dollars, but it was one of the most favorite things I’d owned, so I took it.

Maybe someday I’d be able to afford it regularly and could wear it daily instead of just for special occasions.


I walked to my desk and left my purse and grabbed my brand-new shiny tablet and notebook with a few pens and my bottle of water and walked back to the elevator. Nat was on the phone, but she held a thumbs up to me and smiled as I walked by.

I made my way into the elevator and clipped on my new Jones security badge next to my Halo one and took a deep breath.

The elevator doors opened, and I took a second to admire the vast reception area in the heart of the building. It was all white marble and steel; the wall behind the receptionist was designed to look like the steel of the wall was visible through the marble in an industrial look and it was breathtaking.

The receptionist was a younger man with bright green glasses and a satin tie, and I smiled sweetly when he looked up at me with genuine friendliness in his eyes.

“Hello, welcome to Jones Holding. How can I help you today?”

“Hi, my name is Cora, I’m from Halo, and I’m here to help translate a meeting.”

“Of course, if you just go to my right down the hallway you’ll see Mr. Jones assistant’s desk and Veronica will be able to show you to the conference room.”

“Thank you.” I turned and walked down the long marble hallway and looked at the expensive and beautiful artwork that lined the walls as I went. The hallway opened up and a giant black onyx desk sat outside a set of massive, mirrored doors behind it.

A beautiful redhead sat at the desk and eyed me up as I walked up to her.

“Hi, my name is Cora—” I started but she held her hand up and cut me off, pointing to her ear where a headset laid in her ear.

“Yes, that will be all. Make sure it’s here by five pm sharp or there will be hell to pay.” She snapped and hung up. She turned her attention to me with more loathing than I ever thought would be possible from someone I’d never met before, but I just smiled through her venom.

“You may follow me.” She said in place of a greeting.

She walked ahead of me, and I shamelessly let my eyes rove over her skintight black dress that landed hardly mid-thigh and actually admired her black stockings that had a strip of black satin up the back of each leg. They were sexy paired with the red bottomed heels and the dress, and she wore the overall look well.

Must be bitch was the persona needed to pull off such a look though, because I knew I’d fall short if I’d tried.

I turned and watched our reflection as we walked by the mirrored wall behind her desk and caught a glimpse of the office behind it at the last set of panels that weren’t mirrored.

A giant office sat in the corner of the building and there was a large desk area as well as multiple seating areas around the space. But what caught my attention most was the back of the man standing at the wall of windows, looking down at the city beneath him.

Mr. Jones.

He was a very large man, so tall and wide in the shoulders as he stood with his hands pressed to the window above his head where he leaned into the pane. He wore a charcoal suit and had dark brown hair that was short on the sides and styled perfectly on top in a way that made my fingers itch to run through it.

I bit my lip and turned back to follow little red riding bitch down the hallway to an expansive conference room as I tried to focus my thoughts on the task at hand and not the sexy man in the windows. There was a black onyx table in the center of the conference room with plush chairs all around it and multiple tv’s on the walls.

There were two men in the room already leaned back chatting in the chairs and they turned and stood when I walked in after Red.



“Ah, hello little mouse. I see we meet again already.” He said with a Cheshire cat smile on his face as he stalked towards me. Red turned and watched with a furrowed brow as Reid held his hand out to take my own.

This time instead of shaking it though, he pulled it to his lips and briefly touched them to the back of my hand as he bowed forward.

“Oh good gravy.” The other man said with a smile on his face as he shook his head. “Stop drooling on her hand, she needs to be able to take notes.” He said in good humor.