Page 61 of Claiming What's His

“You look incredible Cora; our son is a lucky man.” Christopher said affectionately as he stepped back and Mav pulled me back into his arms, smiling down at me.

“I’m a very lucky bastard indeed.” He said as I rolled my eyes at him. We followed his parents into the kitchen where Marsha was making her signature sangria and we all feel into a comfortable conversation and visit, like it hadn’t been ten years since the last time we did this. When their chef announced that lunch was ready out on the patio, we all headed out to the beautiful oasis and settled around the table with an incredible spread laid out.

“You went way above and beyond with this lunch Marsha.” I said as Maverick passed me a tray with three different kinds of sandwiches on it, with three matching salads to pair them with.”

“I know.” She blushed, “It’s not every day your daughter comes back home though.” She said, placing her hand on mine and squeezing it gently. Tears pricked the back of my eyes as she looked at me kindly. “I mean it when I say, we’ve missed you so much over the years. And we have missed who our son was before you left too. It feels like we’re finally getting you both back.”

I looked over at Mav where he sat back in his chair, letting his fingers play over the short whiskers of his short beard and he smiled at me. “It’s true. I’ve been… less than bearable at times.” He admitted and his dad scoffed.

“That’s one way of putting it.” Christopher joked as he took a large bite of his bacon club, before Marsha reached over and swatted his arm lovingly.

“How do you mean?” I asked Maverick, wanting to know more about the time we spent apart.

He laughed lightly and took a drink of his beer before answering. “Well, I’ve spent so much time working and building up my company, that I’ve been absent from important moments in life. Like if I ignored them, they wouldn’t pass without my two most favorite people in them.”

I leaned over towards him, and he closed the distance, kissing my lips firmly and breathing me in before pulling back.

“I miss Luke too.” I said, feeling the sadness of his absence filling the space.

“I can’t believe it’s been ten years this month.” Marsha said, with a faraway look in her eye.

“Somedays it feels like yesterday, and then other days it feels like it’s been a lifetime since I hugged him last.” Christopher added.

“How is the fundraiser going Mom?” Maverick inquired.

“Beautifully. Other than last minute details, it’s all ready.” She said and the sadness passed from her eyes as she winked at Maverick, “It’s set to be the event of the decade since people will be meeting the newest Mrs. Jones for the first time in public that night.”

“I can’t wait.” Mav said, looking adoringly at me and I melted.

“Okay! Enough sappiness, I’m not used to this side of you.” I said jokingly as I took a long sip of sangria to distract my heart from the butterflies swarming around.

“Have you two set any plans for the ceremony?” Christopher asked and Mav sat forward in his seat, ready to dive into details. It was such an out of body experience to see him in full business mode, especially when he was talking about our wedding or future.

It was… downright sensual.

I took another sip of sangria as I tried desperately to control my hormones, they had been running wild since our reconnection and I was near falling into a manic episode of need in front of his parents.

“We talked all day yesterday setting plans in motion.” Mav said, “We’re going to do it at my place in South Hampton next Saturday night. It’s only going to be you two and a few friends. After the small dinner, we’re going to kick you all out and continue trying to make some little Jones’ so you two will stop hounding me for grandchildren.”

I choked on my wine and sputtered as I tried to recover with wide eyes. Marsha and Christopher both laughed and smirked knowingly as I fought to get over the shock. “Mav.” I warned. “That’s not exactly dinner table conversation.”

He laughed and shrugged his shoulders. “It’s not something I’m trying to keep secret either though.”

I rolled my eyes at him as Marsha took pity on me and distracted me with talk about my wedding dress and flowers and such while Christopher preoccupied Mav with business. After a while I noticed a change in Mavericks demeanor from next to me and turned towards him to listen to what Christopher was saying in low tones.

“- Have Dexter get the paperwork ready for the take over and I’ll get the PR team ready to release a statement by tomorrow afternoon.”

“Take over?” I asked, politely cutting Marsha off as I shifted gears. Both Jones men looked over at me with their dark eyes and I recognized the matching intensity in them. “What are you taking over?”

“Your brother’s last-ditch effort to save his finances was on a new development plot of land set to make him hundreds of millions after the first five years.” Maverick said plainly and I felt my eyebrows raise to my hair line. “I think he got wind that I wasn’t going to go in on the deal with him to fund it, so he went and found another investor behind my back.” I could sense the barely restrained rage in his voice even though he looked at ease as he spoke.

“So how are you stopping him from getting the land?” I asked.

“I’m buying the company that is selling it for more than it’s worth and steamrolling him right out of the deal. I’ll be keeping the land and developing it myself.”

“That doesn’t sound like a good business deal if you’re paying more than you’ll gain.” I speculated. “Don’t make bad business decisions based off emotions Maverick.”

“I am buying the company for more than it’s worth, but under my direction, I’ll be able to develop and sell it for far more than he would have. Reid put together a plan to gross over a billion off the project in a five-year term.”