Page 18 of Claiming What's His

She nodded and held my hand in support.

I took a deep breath and walked back towards the table, grabbing my purse and bag from underneath it, and then turned away towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Mav asked, stepping around not one but two women who tried to steal his attention on his way around the table.

“Home. You should stay and enjoy your evening.” I said, nodding towards the table and a laughing Reid where he stood surrounded by women who were eating up everything he said like catnip.

“I only came here for you.” He said, looking down at me with annoyance in his eyes.

“Sure you did Mav. But there isn’t anything here for you anymore. Today was a mistake. And now that I’m no longer employed with your company, it won’t happen again.”

“Stop.” He bit out and took my arm, walking from the bar and dragging me with him. When we were on the sidewalk, the lights of the street were all on, burning away the sunset as he took a deep breath. “What is this about?”

I shook my head and looked him square in the eye. “I’ll never get over what you did to me. I was having fun messing with you but seeing you so easily chat with other women just reminded me of that time when you so easily destroyed me, and I can’t ever allow myself to be that girl again. Not even for you.”

“What are you talking about? I was waiting for you. I came here for you. Why are you acting this way?” He asked angrily.

“Because you hurt me. Yes, it was years ago, but every single action you and I took back then has shaped my life into what it is now, and I can’t just forget that. And I sure as hell can never forgive it.”

“What about how you hurt me?” He snapped.

“Me?” I yelled, attracting the attention of people walking by. “What the fuck did I ever do to you except stand by your side and support you through everything you went through while you fucked around with God knows who behind my back.”

“You left me!” His chest heaved inside of his expensive suit, and he put his hands on his hips as he leveled me with a menacing stare. “I was at my fucking lowest and at my first moment of weakness, you took off! Leaving me alone to figure it all out on my own.”

“So I was supposed to stay with you while you broke my heart because you were grieving Luke?” I asked, my eyes watered as I thought back to how badly it had hurt to lose Mav’s twin brother when we were all eighteen. “I was grieving him too!”

“You were supposed to give me a chance! You were supposed to let me make mistakes and give me the chance to fix them. That’s what kids do! Instead you took the easy way out and never looked back on it.”

“I didn’t take theeasyway-out Maverick!” I yelled, “You have no idea what that one decision did to impact the rest of my life! You don’t know how hard the last ten years have been on me, don’t you dare!”

“Right, it’s been so hard on you to leave me high and dry and move on with your life. Sure, okay.” He snapped bitterly. “You know what, keep your shitty job being Peterson’s PA and go nowhere with your life. And don’t worry about me bothering you because I won’t make that mistake again. Because that’s exactly what today was, a fucking mistake. I was stupid to think you would ever be capable of doing anything but think about yourself. So whatever, I’m done this time too Cora.”

He turned and walked away from me and went back into the bar and back to the table filled with women ready to drop to their knees and suck his cock for his favor.

I sagged in defeat where he left me and rubbed my aching head as I tried to fight through the fog of alcohol and think clearly.

I walked away down the street to the underground subway entrance and waited for the train as I leaned against the pillar in a daze. I was replaying every word we had said to each other over and over in my head, trying to figure out if I made a mistake or not and I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings. I was distracted, and drunk and I knew better than to let those two things muddle my street smarts, but I apparently was destined to make more mistakes as the hours of the day dwindled down.

I leaned up off the pillar as the train rolled into the station and waited for the doors to open. But as I was about to walk on, a strong grip on my arm pulled me off balance and slammed me back into the pillar, bouncing my head off the hard surface. Stars danced in my vision as a hand clapped down over my mouth and a body dragged me backwards away from the train. I kicked and screamed, fighting against the strong body, but I was no match in strength. A few scared glances from people waiting for the train fell to me, but quickly looked away, not wanting to get involved.

This wasn’t happening. The arms that were wrapped around me tightened and slammed me down onto the floor of the station as the train started to pull away, leaving the platform empty as I fought to get free. I bit the hand over my mouth and was rewarded with a punch to my side for it, sucking all of the air out of my lungs. My shoe fell off as I kicked at my attacker wildly, and he fought me off while ripping my bags from my arms.

I grabbed for my bags desperately as the man with a bandana over his face turned around and slammed his fist into my face twice before taking off up the stairs out of the subway.

I laid on the floor for a moment, in shock and as I fought off the disorientation from the assault before I forced my body up off the ground.

I put my hand up to my face and winced as I felt blood dripping down my cheek and into my mouth. I walked over to where my shoe had been lost and put it back on in disbelief.

My mugger took everything. My ID, my work badges, my money, my cell phone and even the good shoes I’d worn at work today.

“No.” I whispered as tears fell over my lashes.

The next train was supposed to be here in ten minutes, and I stood in disbelief as I waited for it, holding my sides, and trying desperately to wipe my bleeding face on my dress sleeve.

I made it home, in a daze of alcohol and shock as not a single person on the train or street stopped their day to ask if I was okay. Luckily my building’s superintendent was actually a decent man with a sweet wife and kids, and he opened up my apartment for me and gave me a spare key to replace mine that had been stolen. None of my identification had been updated with my current address on it so I wasn’t worried about someone showing up with my keys and using them to get into my apartment at least, but I still felt incredibly violated knowing someone had my belongings.

I forced my brain to shut off as I pulled my dirty and bloody clothes from my body and crawled into the shower, falling onto the floor, and sobbing as the water washed away the blood like it never happened. I knew the city was dangerous and I knew better than to let myself get distracted like that, I just had an off day and I got careless. And it was because I’d fallen back into Maverick Jones’ life and lost my senses.