Page 111 of Claiming What's His

“My God.” I whispered, collapsing back into the chair behind me as my world imploded around me.

My baby.

I was looking at pictures of my teeny tiny baby growing inside of Cora’s belly and Dexter was right. It was fucking perfect.

I could make out it’s little head and body and wiggly legs in the various pictures and my heart broke to know I’d missed this in person today.

I looked up at Dexter and Reid, where they stared at me, waiting for me to do something. “I have to go to her.” I said quietly, before clearing my throat and saying it again with more force behind it. “I have to go to her.” I stood up and started to walk towards the front door when Dexter grabbed me by the arm.

“Not a chance am I letting you go to her in your condition right now, you’ll fuck up the one chance you have at this. And make no mistake Maverick, you have one chance at this.” He said before turning and snapping his fingers at Reid. “Make coffee, strong and black. And drink a pot’s worth of it yourself while you’re at it.” He said and looked back at me. “Go fucking shower, you stink. And put yourself back together into the man that she deserves, don’t you dare go to her as anything less.”

Well fuck me running, Dexter was bossy when he was right.

The door opened easily with the key that Dexter had given me, and I silently slipped into the small apartment I’d vowed to never step foot in again. It looked the same, but it also looked… lifeless.

Much like I’d felt these past two months.

I took my shoes and jacket off and walked silently through the apartment towards the bedroom in the back as nerves raced through my entire body. Every cell in my body was keyed up and anxious as I entered Cora’s immediate space. My body could sense her before I even made out her tiny body in the center of the bed. She was laying on her side, hugging a pillow to her chest as she slept peacefully, and my heart ached from laying eyes on her finally.

I didn’t dare wake her up, knowing from what Dexter told me as he pumped me full of coffee and sobered me up, that Cora was in the part of pregnancy that left her drained and exhausted, but that it would be getting better soon. So I pulled a pile of discarded clothes from her closet out of the chair in the corner of her bedroom and sat down, resolved to simply watching her as she slept.

I already felt a sense of calm filling my senses from simply being near her that I hadn’t felt since I’d left.

She rolled over in her sleep, kicking the blankets down off her legs and laid on her back. She wore a tank top and panties, and so much skin exposed itself to my eyes. She let go of the pillow and stretched her arms over her head and I was finally able to see her swollen belly, growing my baby deep inside and it was like seeing the sunlight for the first time in my life. I was propelled out of the darkness and self-doubt that I’d been drowning in without her and stood in the light of day after so long. And it was life changing.

My body stirred as I let my eyes rove over her changed body, and I fought back the growl that wanted to rip its way out of my chest.

I also fought the urge to crawl into bed next to her, knowing it was selfish to just assume she’d welcome me back after so long.

“Mav.” She sighed in her sleep and reached out across the bed to the side that I slept on usually like she was searing for me. “Hmm.” She hummed, turning on her side again as she rocked back and forth.

I leaned forward on my elbows and was so close to her I could have reached out and touched her bare leg if I wanted to.

She was restless all of a sudden, tossing and turning and rocking back and forth in her sleep. I watched her closely for what felt like hours, trying to tell what was plaguing her in her dreams to decide if I should wake her up or not.

She moaned and spoke incoherently for a while before reaching up in her sleep and she palmed her breast through the thin fabric of her tank top and moaned again. “Yes, Maverick.”

My blood roared in my ears as I realized my sinful wife was having a sex dream.

About me.

I palmed my erection through my pants and watched as she lazily played with her tits. “Please.” She begged prettily and then panted. “Hot. I’m so hot.” She rolled and tore her top off completely, tossing it off the end of the bed and laid on her back, spreading her legs wide as she kept playing with her gorgeous breasts. They were bigger than normal; my guess was pregnancy had contributed to that and I bit down on my knuckle as I watched her play with her rock-hard nipples.

She was panting and kicking her legs around in the bed. “Fuck me, please make it stop hurting.” She cried and ran her fingers over her panties, rubbing them over the wet spot that had formed over her pussy, and I was unable to stay still any longer. I stood up quickly and walked to the side of her bed, ready to lay down next to her.

But Dexter’s words rang loudly in my head, and I froze, standing next to her, staring down and watching her like a voyeur.

You only have one chance at this.

Something told me she would freak out if she woke up to find me in bed with her, but I also wanted to ease the need she so clearly ached for.

Before I could decide, one way or another though, her eyes snapped open and then blinked rapidly as she looked around the space before looking up at me, looming over her in the dark like a fucking creep.

“Maverick?” She asked, tilting her head to see me better before she realized she laid there naked except for a thin pair of drenched panties. She looked down her body and then back to me, and I expected her to fly into a fit of rage, but she just relaxed back into the mattress and watched me. “I smelled you, in my dream.” She said softly. “You still smell the same.”

I smiled down at her and leaned down over her, gently pushing a strand of hair back off her damp forehead. “You were begging for me to fuck you while you played with yourself.” I said honestly, as I let my eyes drop to where her lush tits heaved.

“Then why didn’t you?” She asked with a challenge in her eyes.