Page 108 of Claiming What's His

“You can’t tag along Dex.”

“Well, where are you going?”

“Why does it matter?” I huffed annoyed.

“Why is it a secret?” He countered and I rolled my eyes at him and opened my door, flicking my now useless chain out of the way.

“You’re going to have that fixed by the time I go to bed tonight by the way.” I said and walked out into the hallway with him following like a puppy.

“I can do that.” He said easily. “Or you could just do what you should do and go home where you’re safe and protected by security and you wouldn’t need a flimsy chain that I broke with hardly any effort.”

“I am home Dex. This is my home.”

“This was your home before you married Maverick, Cora.” He said angrily and I rolled my eyes at him, locking my deadbolt and walking down the hallway not bothering to see if he followed or not.

I knew I wasn’t going to get rid of him that easily.

“Well the son of a bitch abandoned me Dex. I don’t have anywhere else to go anymore.”

“Cora.” He said sadly as I stepped into the elevator, but he didn’t say anything else to it. There wasn’t anything else to say about it. We rode in silence for a minute before he sighed. “He’s a wreck without you.”

I forced my face to remain impassive as pain exploded inside of my chest at the mention of Maverick being a mess. I shouldn’t care. This was his fault after all, but I couldn’t turn it off just because I wanted to.

I couldn’t just stop loving him.

“Good.” I said firmly and walked out of the elevator, leaving him standing there as I headed towards the back door of my complex and away from the black Audi that I knew would be idling at the curb.

“Where are you going?”

“Anywhere that you aren’t.” I fired back and huffed as he reached around in front of me to open the door to the back parking lot and groaned when I saw his sleek sports car parked there. I glared at him as he smirked at me.

He held up the fob and the car chirped as he unlocked the door. “Don’t act like you haven’t missed me as much as I missed you, dancing queen.” He said affectionately and I was catapulted back to our night out on the town before our wedding when Dex sang karaoke with me. I gritted my teeth together as he opened the car door and waited for me to get in. And to be honest, I really didn’t want to ride the subway to the hospital anyway, so I gruffly sank down into the low car as he smirked at me.

“Can it Chase.” I ordered and he mimed zipping his lips as he walked around the car and got in the drivers seat.

“So, where are we headed?” He asked as he started the car.

“Wilson Hospital.” I said and ignored the way he looked at me.

“Is everything… okay?” He asked, looking down at my belly before looking back at me.

“I have an ultrasound.” I said quietly and then sighed. “My first ultrasound.”

Dexter reached over and squeezed my hand before shifting his car into reverse and pulling out of the parking lot towards the hospital. “I can’t wait to see if my niece or nephew looks like me.” He said with genuine excitement in his voice and I couldn’t even pretend that I didn’t welcome his presence in the room with me. I had dreaded doing this alone, and having a friend, even the male best friend of my dead-beat husband, was better than nothing.

“Cora Jones.” The nurse stood at the doorway and called my name, but I was frozen in my chair. “Mrs. Jones.” She said again, looking right at me. It was hard to pretend I wasn’t who she was looking for when my face and name had been plastered all over every news outlet for months following the attack at the fundraiser.

“Sorry.” I said and stood up as Dex held the door open for us both. When we got into the ultrasound room the nurse eyed up the tall handsome man next to me that obviously wasn’t my husband; Maverick Jones was more of a household name than Cora Jones was. And Dexter was definitely not my husband. “Uh, he’s filling in today.” I answered her unspoken question, but she just nodded, seemingly unaffected by the awkwardness.

I was sure she had seen her fair share of baby daddy drama in her years here.

“Okay, Mrs. Jones, please have a seat on the table and the doctor will be in shortly.” She said and left me to sit on the crinkly paper covered table as Dexter walked around the room, looking at the equipment with a peculiar look on his face.

“Are you okay… with this?” I asked him, trying to be sensitive to his own loss. “You could have stayed in the car you know.”

He rolled his eyes at me and grabbed the ultrasound wand from the stand and swung it around. “As if I’d miss this.”

I didn’t have time to rebuke his statement about it not being his place to be here, that it was Mavericks. Because the doctor walked in and caught Dex mid sword thrust with the internal dildo looking wand and suddenly there were far more embarrassing things to talk about.