Page 36 of Claiming What's His

I paused and looked down at her and couldn’t help the smirk that crossed my face as I thought about the story behind the name. “I was in the designing phase of the building, and my architect said that I needed to name the tower I climbed everyday to command my empire from, and I stupidly thought back to the one thing I’d climbed almost everyday growing up.” I said as we paused in the center of the lobby. She shook her head, not figuring it out right away, so I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and let her in on it. “The tree outside of your bedroom window, that I climbed up almost every night to sleep with you junior and senior year, was a Hawthorn tree.”

Her eyebrows rose to her hairline and a gentle surprised smile kissed her lush lips.

“You named your empire after something to do with us?”

“Hmm.” I agreed and shrugged my shoulders, “I guess even four years ago when I built this tower, I was still as obsessed with you as I was a boy, climbing up that fucking tree to get to you.”

“Mav.” She said with love twinkling in her eyes as she leaned up on her toes and kissed me gently. “I love you so much, and I’m still just as obsessed with you.”

I turned us back towards the elevators to get out of the way of employees trying to get to work on time as I enjoyed her open display of affection. Reid came from the other side of the lobby, and I groaned at the shit eating grin on his face as he walked up to us as we were stuck waiting for an elevator. The lobby was full of employees who feared me and hardly looked me in the eye, yet one of the only people in this building that would push every one of my buttons happened to join us at the same exact time.

“Ah if it isn’t New York’s most powerful couple.” Reid said as he walked closer. Eyes from everyone around us looked at Cora and me, chasing that tidbit of information welcomed up by his big mouth.

“Reid.” I warned in a deep voice. Cora rolled her eyes at him and smiled.

“Good morning Reid.” She said softly.

He leaned down and kissed her cheek in an overly familiar way that grated my nerves. “Watch it.” I warned again but he brushed me off.

“How are you feeling Cora?” He asked, letting his smile fall from his face for the first time since he walked up.

I felt her spine stiffen a bit beneath my hand on the small of her back. “I’m well, thank you.” She said firmly.

“I see that.” He said back as the elevator door opened and we stepped in with a few other people.

When we started riding up Cora stayed silent at my side and Reid chatted on about everything in the world. I didn’t listen though, I was too aware of the way Cora leaned into me, letting her fingers trace along the outside of my thigh as she nodded and smiled at his story Reid was telling her. When the three of us we were alone in the elevator on the way up to Cora’s floor she turned to me.

“What time are you free for lunch today?” She asked, biting her lip devilishly.

“I’ll make time whenever you are available.”

“Noon then.”

“Good, I’ll have lunch delivered and ready at noon.”

Reid interrupted ignoring my scowl. “Cool, what are we having?”

The elevator doors opened at Halo and Cora leaned up on her toes and gave me a quick kiss and rolled her eyes.

She patted Reid on the chest as she walked past him “I’m the meal and you’re not invited to partake or watch Reid.” She threw over her shoulder as she walked out of the elevator and my eyes fell to the effortlessly feminine sway of her hips. Reid laughed and shook his head.

“Don’t be late.” I ordered as she walked away.

She looked over her shoulder at me and her eyes flashed before she winked. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

The doors closed again as she rounded the corner towards her desk and then it was Reid and I in the elevator.

“So, her face is healing well.” He said, “How are her ribs?”

I sighed and ran a hand over my face. “Healing. She fussed with her make up for an hour this morning trying to cover up the mark on her nose and cheek. And I fucking hate that she has to worry about it at all.”

The doors opened and we walked out. “I know man.” He said, sounding almost sad. “You’re meeting with Jake Valentine this morning right?” He asked as we got to my office.

“Yeah, at ten.” I asked, anxious to get that meeting out of the way. Cora and I never circled back to this last night after our shower, so I hadn’t gotten her feelings on how she wanted it handled.

“I’m free at ten if you want another set of ears in on it.” He said, walking backwards towards his own office.
