Um, there were worse things—much worse things—than hanging out with three good-looking men for the night. The only problem was, my eyes were already drooping. But my slowly awakening sex drive said perk up, bitch! The thought of sharing a room with these guys left my insides churning. And a nice warmth spreading, starting in my core.

But my brain was still somewhat in control. “I don’t know… I mean, I know you’re being nice but it is a little… weird.”

“It’s not a little weird,” Randy said. “It’s a lot weird. But what choice do we have? You have nowhere else to spend the night, and we guys sure as hell aren’t going to turn you out.”

I glanced around the room until I found what I was looking for. “Well, there is an interconnecting door between our rooms,” I said, pointing. “Maybe we can get it open?”

Austin set his half-eaten burrito aside and got up. “You’re thinking this opens to your room?”

I nodded. “It must. I was only briefly in there before I got locked out, but I remember specifically thinking, how odd to have adjoining rooms in a motel.”

“Is it odd?” Austin asked, looking at his friends.

Tyler and then Randy shrugged. “How should we know? We don’t stay in motels.”

They looked back at me, and it was my turn to shrug. Hell, I was no expert, either.

“Interesting,” Austin said, gently pushing the door. “I’m looking for weak spots, but it seems pretty well secured.”

Because of course.

But he smiled at me anyway, and my heart thumped clear into my throat.

Down girl.

“Crap,” I said.

“Well, I happen to know a little bit about picking locks, and while I don’t have my tools with me, I might be able to jimmy the door using what we’ve got out in the truck,” Tyler said.

He knew about picking locks?

Fuck it. I didn’t have time to worry about someone’s past. If I didn’t get back to my room, I’d have to sleep with these guys.

Which might not be all that bad…

“Why don’t you give it a try?” I suggested.

Tyler continued. “To be honest, in a place like this, that door will probably open with a pretty please and a shoulder bump.”

Now it was my turn to go over to the door.

One of these guys might have been able to get it open with a shoulder bump, but I sure as hell couldn’t. I pushed and pulled on the door, twisting the knob every way I could, and it didn’t budge a fraction of an inch.

Maybe one of the guys could get the door to move, but I had a feeling I needed to get comfortable on their floor. Or spend the night doing something else.

* * *